Embrace the Power of Choice

by | May 13, 2015 | InPower Women Blog, Work-Life Blend, Working Moms


Feel stuck?  Choose to become unstuck.

Have you ever felt stuck in a job, with a daycare, or just in a bad situation?  It’s a sinking feeling when you feel like there’s no way out.

But we have good news!  In this month’s Working Mom chat Dana and Lizzy will talk about how you always have a choice and how powerful this can be. Even when we don’t believe we have the power of choice there are options.  The key is finding the courage to act on them.  We’ll talk about that and how you can help yourself the next time you get stuck.

Join us at 1:00PM EST Wednesday, May 13th right here to view this discussion live!

Here are the topics we cover in the video above…

  • Why choice is powerful and enables courage.
  • How you can discover hidden options when you are stuck.
  • How to remind yourself that you have the power to choose.

Have a question for us to discuss? Some of your own experience to contribute? Leave them in the comments below!



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