
INSIGHT: Intentions Solve Overwhelm

Overwhelmed? Try setting intentions. Set ONE THING as your intention to achieve by the end of the day and be satisfied when you achieve it. Do this every day. Overwhelm results from a lack of distinction. When you’re flying over the forest the gullies, fallen trees and open spaces are clear. It’s...

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Whether you’re excited about the end or the beginning, BE excited. It’s so easy to focus on what we lack, but focusing on what we have will always make the process of getting stuff more fun. This works as we wait for Christmas morning or whatever joyous occasion awaits us this holiday season as...

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INSIGHT: What Do You Do With Your Luck Events?

Luck is a funny thing. Did you run into bad luck this week? Good luck? What did you do with it? The answer to THAT question determines your success. No one really knows what luck is, when or why it "finds" you (or whether it does). And does it really matter? It's fun to think about the...

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INSIGHT: Choose Your Life

Roadblocks. Stupidity. Bureaucracy. Murphy. Pollen. There are so many "good" reasons to stop banging our heads against life... Why don't we? Last Monday I wasn't sure I was going to survive this week. My schedule looked like a train wreck. I had a hundred reasons to cop out of meetings, calls,...

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INSIGHT: When Analysis Becomes Paralysis

Have you ever noticed how unmade decisions can gang up on you and hold you down? INSIGHT: Analysis has it’s limits. Know where they are. If you’re ever feeling powerless, make a few decisions. Watch how your INpower meter pops up. Choice is power so when you need a power boost, make a choice. But...

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Why do we hate Mondays? I used to, but not any more. Now I think of them as a fresh start. I know I'm NOT at my best when I'm tired or down to the wire on a deadline. I always have more energy in the morning than at night. PLUS, at the beginning of a thing, there's still so much time that things...

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INSPIRATION: Authenticity Becomes You

Despite your fears, the people you love to work with love what you're hiding under your mask. (We all wear them.) The rest of them might surprise you if you take your mask off. You'll never know until you try. What do you think is hiding under there? Despite what many of us believe, your authentic...

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INSPIRATION: Keep Breathing

December is here with its unique opportunities for joy, no sleep and deep relaxation. To get to the good stuff, we usually have to power through the end-of-year projects, plans, deliverables and impossible deadlines. It’s tempting to take a deep breath and try to see how far under water you can...

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