
Why The Woman Effect? Men are Helping Us

As you may know by now, I’ve been on a research quest to understand why The Woman Effect is helping organizations and economies succeed when there is significant presence of women in leadership. My fourth (and final for now) finding turned out to be a happy surprise. In our search for leadership...

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Fear of Failure and Embracing The Inner Loser

Does fear of failure hold you back? True story.  A few months ago I had a rather large speaking engagement.  It was with an audience larger than I usually speak in front of, with content I hadn’t delivered before.  The night before the conference I set the alarm for 6 am.  I was to meet the...

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Are You Fully Charged? 5 Ways to Energize Your Work & Life

I recently had the pleasure of hearing best selling author and Gallup researcher, Tom Rath, speak at a conference.  While researching his latest book, he asked 10,000 people a simple question:  Did you have a great deal of energy yesterday?  If I asked you that question, how would you respond? ...

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What’s the Secret To Achieving Your Goals?

We’re all surrounded by goals. ToDo lists. Management Objectives. Career Goals. Personal Goals. [Tweet "You name it, we’ve got a goal about it."] Why is it we feel sometimes that achieving your goals is so hard? In my experience, our biggest limitation when it comes to setting goals is that we...

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Leaders: Our Internal Relationships Are Vitally Important

True success is not about how much money we make, it’s about our relationships, our helping others succeed.                                   I am blessed to hear wonderful sermons at my local parish church. While the messages are about our values and how we lead our lives, I often feel that they...

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4 Traits That Fuel Success

What does it mean to be a success or to have success?  How will you know when you’ve made it?  Most of the images we see of success involve some version of wealth and affluence—diamonds, yachts and private planes.  What is often missing is the story behind the stuff—what was the path successful...

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