February 21: What does “ownership” mean?

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Coffee Break


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“Ownership” is a great buzzword, but what does it mean? We are often asked by management to take more ownership in what we do. Agile Methodologies refers to a “product owner” in team structures. But to these teams, a product owner is the person who is responsible for the ROI of the product and often manages a balance sheet. In marketing teams, an owner is often the person who executives call if something goes wrong with a site or published materials.

But how does ownership really work at the office and on projects? And the larger question, how does ownership relate to the fluid career?

What’s a fluid career? Today, professionals are reinventing themselves every 3-5 years as an employee, a consultant, then an employee again or possibly an entrepreneur and back. They may be in related jobs or careers, expanding their skill set. They may go from being a manager to specialist. They may start a new business in another field that reflects their passion. With that said, professionals may also move from being an owner to an influencer and back. But what does that all mean?

What we will be discussing regarding ownership:

  • What does it mean to be an employee and “owner” of a task vs someone who influences its outcome or does the work?
  • Personal accountability vs owning a task vs being the person responsible for the success of the product/project
  • As a consultant and influencer, how far does your accountability go? How much do you own?
  • What is your job as the “owner”? What does that mean being an employee who is in charge of a project vs being in charge of a task vs influencing outcome?
  • How do RACI charts and similar role and responsibility matrices help here? Or not?



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