Infograghic: A Woman’s Place In The World

by | Jul 20, 2012 | Gender Research, InPower Women Blog

The United states ranked 19th on the list of best and worst places to be a woman in the world. Norway came in at the top and Somalia rounded out the bottom. The findings of this research, conducted by Save The Children, were taken from an in depth look at the health, education and economic standing of women in 165 countries.

By: Richard Johnson


This post was originally published on The National Post.

Richard Johnson is the Graphics Editor at Canada’s National Newspaper – the National Post. With a background in illustration and journalism, Johnson has taken his data visualization and visual reportage skills around the globe. As a film maker and photographer with the United Nations, Johnson has documented rape victim recovery programs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, refugees in Zimbabwe and IDPs in the Central African Republic. As a foreign correspondent and artist, Johnson has embedded with various armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and with peacekeepers in Central Africa protecting civilians from the LRA. Johnson’s infographic work continues to win awards every year. In 2010 his piece on the punishment of Stoning Women for Adultery was a finalist in Canada’s National Newspaper Awards. Visit Richard’s website and follow him on Twitter to learn more.

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April French

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