Dana Theus

INSIGHT: Provocative

What you do when someone provokes you determines everything to come. Punch back, and you’re in a fight. Recently someone provoked me. I don’t think they actually meant to pick a fight with me, but for a moment I felt punched in the gut and saw red. I almost punched back and escalated the exchange...

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Why Does Equal Pay Really Matter?

There is no question that women and minorities are not at salary parity with white males in our business culture. They are not. But the prevailing myth that this is an evil plot to oppress us doesn’t fly with me, because when you look under the covers of equal pay, things get much more complex. In...

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How to Be a Good Mentor (Coach Leader)

We talk so much about how important it is to have a mentor, but Dana thinks (and we agree) that we should also talk about important it is to BE a mentor – at any stage in your career. Who can you mentor to help you develop the important “coaching” leadership skills that will help you motivate and...

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Managing People – Do We Really Do That?

My first management experience was a disaster. I had a poor manager myself and was told to “be in charge” of a group of my peers, who did not report to me and had no particular reason to do what I told them to do. It turned into a backstabbing circus within hours. What I learned from that...

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INSPIRATION: Change Happens

“Change is hard.” “Nobody likes change.” These truisms seem self-evident in our society today, but I don’t believe they’re true. I believe that people love change, when they see good things on the other side of it. The problem is that humans are often more eager to believe the bad, the...

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INSIGHT: Risky Business

Sometimes it seems like there is no choice before us that isn’t risky. There is no “no risk” choice. Risk isn’t a choice, it’s a condition. It can feel like anxiety, starting in your tummy and rising up to agitate your heart if you let it. Sometimes when there is risk on either side, it feels like...

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Research Says: Women, Speak Up!

Study: Women, Find Your Voice (Heath, Flynn, Holt, Harvard Business Review, 2014) Finding:  Women and men view women's participation and communication in meetings differently, when both understand the other and move towards the middle, and women learn to speak up, change can happen. Note about The...

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We all know mentors can help us succeed, but did you know that in my hundreds of CEO interviews I’ve only run into ONE person who said she didn’t have any? Mentors don’t just help us, they (along with Sponsors) are often the crucial difference in our careers. Hang on. Where do mentors learn to be...

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INSIGHT: Don’t Brag

  How can you make sure people know how great you are? It’s not bragging if you’re helping others be great too. Teach success. I get asked all the time how to talk confidently about your abilities and potential without sounding stuck up. There are several strategies, but the basic one is – if...

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How to Be Your Best 24/7 [Video]

It’s easy to get paranoid thinking that the people who can be helping your career are watching you 24x7, and it’s easy to become exhausted trying to impress everyone all the time. But the fact is that you are always surrounded by people how can help you. How can you shine all the time without...

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