Dana Theus

Leadership Skills Outside Your Comfort Zone

So you’ve just gotten that great opportunity you’ve wanted for so long. You got the promotion! Woo hoo! You settle into your new office, put the higher pay in your monthly budget, meet your colleagues, receive the key to the bathroom and put that first board meeting on your calendar. Then the...

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Leadership Skills Outside Your Comfort Zone

So you’ve just gotten that great opportunity you’ve wanted for so long. You got the promotion! Woo hoo! You settle into your new office, put the higher pay in your monthly budget, meet your colleagues, receive the key to the bathroom and put that first board meeting on your calendar. Then the...

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Do Women Need a Mentor to Succeed?

Every young professional hears it: “Get a mentor!” Many companies invest in mentoring programs, especially for women aspiring to advance. But do mentor programs pay off –– for the mentors and the mentees? My clients and I have had positive experiences, but, who knows? Maybe we’re not typical?...

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Who’s the Character in My Character-Based Leadership Style?

I’ve been self-employed for a decade (more if you look closely), but it wasn’t until this year that I became an entrepreneur and began to see my leadership style shift closer to authenticity. What’s the change and why is it affecting my leadership style and character? Unlike a self-employed person...

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Becoming a Constructive Bystander

I have been monitoring the conversations on MARC with interest and enjoying the view of “women’s issues” from a completely different—and unfeminine—perspective. Recently, Amitabh Kumar’s thoughtful post about men speaking up against violence against women caught my attention. I sit on the board of...

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Pitching Your Big Ideas

To advance in your career, you have to have good ideas, but if you can’t get people to pay attention to them, it doesn’t really matter. Research shows that when women speak up and champion themselves and their good ideas, they get ahead. If it’s so simple, why don’t we do it more often? In my...

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Pitching Your Big Idea

To get support for your big idea, you have to become adept at pitching every idea. Good leaders know how to pitch. They do it naturally and easily. But this isn’t a skill anyone’s really born with, it takes some personal development. Why invest in becoming good at pitching? You gain more...

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Breaking Away From The Male Stereotype?

Last year Northwestern University put out some discouraging research that confirmed what most of us know about leadership stereotypes – they’re male. There are other studies that say actual women – not stereotypes - are often viewed as very good leaders. But the stories we tell are filled with...

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