Dana Theus

Choice = Power

Personal power tip: know that every choice you make is an act of power. Pay attention to your choices and you InPower yourself. Think the little choices don't matter? Try noticing every choice you make for an entire day. If you get tired, notice that you don't have to choose and that's ok too....

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Portrait of an InPower Leader

 The cohort of leaders who will reclaim leadership to achieve great things in the world won't succeed out of idealism, an extreme sense of perfection or personal heroism. We will succeed because we see ourselves and the world for what is and because we master the ability to motivate groups we lead...

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3 Reasons Good Ideas Aren’t Good Enough

There’s a particular skill that middle managers who will become more than middle managers learn, and it’s not something that is taught in business school. It’s one of the reasons that we all benefit from good mentors, who really understand “how things work.” This particular skill is the ability to...

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Stuck at 15%: Are Women Doomed to Second Place?

Some athletes are simply not destined to get the gold. Women have a record-breaking presence in the Olympics this year - every nation sporting women on their teams for the first time in history and more women than men on the U.S. team. But when I look at the participation stats across the other...

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Stuck at 15%: Are Women Doomed to Second Place?

Some athletes are simply not destined to get the gold. Women have a record-breaking presence in the Olympics this year - every nation sporting women on their teams for the first time in history and more women than men on the U.S. team. But when I look at the participation stats across the other...

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Advanced Conflict Management For Leaders

In my consulting and coaching practice, I often have to manage tricky meeting and conflict management dynamics and coach my clients to do the same. As I’ve mentioned before, many of my secrets are on Amazon.com in the simple and powerful principles of “The PRIMES” by Chris McGoff. These powerful...

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Marissa Mayer: Role Model Or Feminist Failure?

Only a few hours after the announcement that Marissa Mayer, formerly of Google, was Yahoo!’s new – pregnant - CEO, many female commenters on the web added  new dimensions to the “Motherhood Penalty” and immediately started imagining how she might fail. “Thank you, Marissa Mayer. Now don’t mess...

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What Is InPowered Leadership? (A Manifesto)

 The cohort of leaders who will reclaim leadership to achieve great things in the world won't succeed out of idealism, an extreme sense of perfection or personal heroism. We will succeed because we see ourselves and the world for what is and because we master the ability to motivate groups we lead...

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Are We Done With Dress-For-Success Marketing?

I read Forbes Woman pretty regularly because I find many great writers there covering issues of interest to business women. I even aspire to write there myself, but I have a dirty little secret to share about this valuable online publication and many others who cater to professional women. The...

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Be a meeting whisperer: Conflict Management 101

A simple reality of the working world is that meetings dominate our time, and the higher you go in your career, the more pressure there is to spend every waking moment in a meeting somewhere. I think we should cancel most of the meetings we attend, but what about the ones where you need to be...

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