Dana Theus

Gendership: A Guy’s View

When I interviewed Mike Howard, Chief Security Officer at Microsoft, on the subject of leadership, we also had a great conversation about the role he sees gender and diversity playing in modern organizations. I listened to understand Gendership – the partnership of women and men working and...

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The Business Case For Gender Balanced Leadership

I have been honored with a regular writing gig at the Smartblog on Leadership - an extention of the Smartbrief empire. This was my first post as a contributing author and it generated a lot of interesting comments (read them here). The comments reminded me that there are plenty of people (men AND...

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Change Leadership: Maximizing your ROL (Return on Luck)

  Sure, sometimes you’re the lucky recipient of spontaneous innovation, but according to business gurus, consistently good innovators actually have strategies for leveraging luck (the good and the bad) when it trips across their paths. In “Great by Choice” Jim Collins and Morten Hansen have...

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The Power of Happiness For Business Success

Fortunately, humans love happiness. Who doesn’t want to be happy? Unfortunately, it turns out that plenty of us don’t seem to, based on the way we stick our noses to the grindstone and assume that if we work harder we’ll achieve success and happiness. Fortunately, the relatively new science of...

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5 Strategies for Leading with the 5 Whys

Most leadership books and gurus will tell you that leaders are learners and full of curiosity. Sometimes, this penchant can get you into trouble and – as many entrepreneurs learn the hard way – lead you traipsing off after some little bright shiny thing, letting your business languish. This kind...

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Women & Risky Business – A Dynamite Combo?

Have you ever been in an airplane when it stalls? I was twelve when dad tipped us straight up into the solid blue expanse of sky - allowing gravity to grip our chests - and gunned our little single prop Cessna vertical. We chugged forward briefly until the lift over the wings dissipated, the...

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Breaking the Pattern of Management

Gary Hamel is awesome. I remember doing strategic planning in the 90’s and reading Hamel’s guru stuff. Here he is 20 years later still blowing our minds and giving us new change management insights to play with. Gary Hamel: Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment In the video above...

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Measuring Leadership

How do you measure leadership? It’s an odd question, isn’t it? Leadership is inherently challenging to even describe because it’s a quality of being human. Psychologists and Change Management Consultants find ways to measure everything and I’m sure they have some metrics for this. However, my...

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