People talk a lot about thought leadership, and we believe it’s a powerful success strategy available to women. But let’s get real, most of us don’t feel comfortable putting our big ideas out there because we’re don’t like to get negative feedback. We like how Dana takes this subject on, showing...
Dana Theus
Why The Woman Effect? We’re Good Investors
Why are women so good for business? Reason Number 4: We’re good investors. In the ongoing hunt for insights to understand The Woman Effect Manifesta, I’ve discovered that the Return on Women (WOR) is really high! - I've been delighted to discover that women have excellent investment instincts!...
Creative Leadership
Sometimes leadership seems like a mystery. We know “command and control” rarely works to motivate people, and even more rarely allows women to lead authentically. We like this insight from Dana to help you round out your leadership style. – InPower Editors I recently had the chance to talk to a...
The Shortest Distance To Higher Profits
“The shortest distance between two points is under construction.” Leo Aikman Getting from A to B always seems so simple until you encounter the devil in the details. We learn in B school that profits come from high demand, meeting customer needs, low costs, effective sales and flawless...
Women in Leadership: Lessons From Motherhood (Part II)
Earlier this year when my youngest son graduated high school I celebrated with a blog post about motherhood and what I’ve learned about leadership by being a parent. Readers had a lively discussion on the post (when I posted it on Smartblog on Leadership) and several asked me to address some other...
Why Playing Small Doesn’t Serve You Or Your Company
This guest post from Laurie Erdman reminds us that even though we are often encouraged to play small and create a work environment where I staffs can play small too, this helps nobody. It takes courage to play big. Where can you play bigger than you do today? ~Dana Much is written about why fast...
Who Inspires You?
Last weekend, I did it. I pushed the last little birdie out of the nest. It’s not like he was resisting or anything, and this week he’s learning to fly all on his own. Our last 2 days together while I drove him to Virginia Tech was very special time. He and I have grown closer during these last...
6 Lessons Learned on the Work Life Jungle Gym
Sheryl Sandberg contributed many valuable insights to professional women in her book, Lean In. The one that hit me most squarely was her analogy of a career as a jungle gym instead of a ladder. Truer words have never been written, and I think this is a major contribution to the discussion of...
Your Truth = Power
"Our" truth and "the" truth may or may not be the same thing, and that's ok. Truth is complicated because we have so much perspective. When you release the need to share your personal truth with everyone else all the time, you free yourself to own what is yours. Your truth can make you powerful....
Work-Life Power: Why Sandberg & Slaughter “Have It All” Wrong
Last week, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton Professor extraordinaire and former State Department Policy Director, took a break from writing about Syria and US-Mexican relations to write a sincere and heart-felt article in The Atlantic lamenting the reality that as women move into powerful positions...