Dana Theus

My Surprise Secret to Work-Life Balance

I’ve been on a conscious, 15 year quest for work-life balance and have actually achieved a great deal of it (throws confetti). Recently I’ve been documenting a lot of my learning’s about what’s worked and what hasn’t during this time, and integrating it into my coaching practice, but it wasn’t...

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Authenticity: Natural Stress Reduction

I’ve been delving deeply into the subject of authenticity lately as I launch my eSeminar on the power of your Authentic Leadership Style, and I’m beginning to see even more power in authenticity than I’d previously really focused on – including the way in which it can help you create space in your...

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My Surprise Secret to Work-Life Balance

I’ve been on a conscious, 15 year quest for work-life balance and have actually achieved a great deal of it (throws confetti). Recently I’ve been documenting a lot of my learning’s about what’s worked and what hasn’t during this time, and integrating it into my coaching practice, but it wasn’t...

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Open Your Mouth, Heal Your Soul

A few weeks ago I witnessed some of the most powerful women I’d ever seen on stage at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. Along with 350 others, I had the honor to watch souls heal in front of my eyes, all through the personal power of their voice. The event was sparked by an unusual...

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Presence: You Can’t Fake It (Book Review)

When someone you have worked with, known as a friend, colleague and thought leader writes a book – you buy the book and read it. And then you tell the world about it. That’s what I’m doing with Kristi Hedges and her new book, The Power of Presence: Unlock Your Potential To Influence And Engage...

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