Dana Theus

The 3 Myths About Leadership and Control At Work

Today’s business environment can be frustrating because we all live with the widely-accepted cultural myths that “someone” can just make a decision that will clear the path for us to get our job done. And yet, the complexity of modern business often puts us in professional situations where no one...

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Moving From Managing To Leading — Taking On The Big Picture

Moving from managing to leading is a challenge because the skills that make you a good manager aren’t enough to help you excel in leadership positions. Men and women alike sometimes perceive the gap between managing and leading to be a glass ceiling when, in many cases, it’s not necessarily that...

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Moving From Managing To Leading — Taking On The Big Picture

Moving from managing to leading is a challenge because the skills that make you a good manager aren’t enough to help you excel in leadership positions. Men and women alike sometimes perceive the gap between managing and leading to be a glass ceiling when, in many cases, it’s not necessarily that...

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Career Advancement Tip: Put Away the Pictures of Little Billy

 Nancy and I bonded in the late '90's workaholic days of an internet startup when our kids were little. More than a decade has passed and she's VP of a growing company and I'm consulting and coaching, both of us busy as can be. We don't see each other enough now, and the reason I know that is that...

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Men Are Rewarded More Often for Speaking their Truth? Really?

I ran a survey last month asking people about their experiences with Speaking Truth to Power. One hundred and fifty five professionals – mostly women – responded and said loud and clear that: Almost half of them withheld their truth from their bosses a good deal of the time; 82% had been penalized...

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Authenticity is Your Ticket To the Top

I'm proud to share that I just had a major Op Ed piece posted to The Glass Hammer - a preeminent professional woman's blog. Here's a short summary and I encourage you to read the full article on The Glass Hammer for the executive coaching advice at the end. ~Dana Abstract: There’s no snappy...

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What if Self-promotion is a Gender-Neutral Leadership Skill?

Sometimes true wisdom hides behind sensational headlines. I often think this when I read gender wars articles; you know, the ones that toss the sexes in the ring? Here’s my latest beef: Women need to self-promote to make more money. (Forbes Woman , Catalyst Inc.) So apparently women suck at...

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5 Things You Can Do to Advance Your Career – Right Now

I’ve written a lot about how we’re leaving plentiful resources untapped by failing to adjust our business culture to invite more women into leadership roles and how we need to transform The System to take advantage of our talents. In recognition of the fact that a company with women in roughly 30%...

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Don’t Get Angry, Negotiate!

Many business leaders are good at contracting and negotiating. Negotiating is how we close customers, manage vendors and hire/release employees; it’s how we establish and maintain our relationships with third parties; it’s how we conduct business. But as a species, business leaders could be a lot...

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Are You A Leader?

Most of us have a clear image of a leader. Strong. Smart. Confident. “In Charge of insert-something-important-usually-having-to-do-with-power-or-money-here”. I don’t buy that image of leader. To me, a leader is ANYONE who takes a stand and influences other people to cause the world to be better....

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