One of the cool things about modern discussions of leadership is that we now recognize that “leadership” is available to everyone, at every level of every kind of organization – or no organization at all. Anyone can lead and can even start a movement, simply by influencing the person next to them...
Dana Theus
What Is Personal Power?
There are many kinds of leadership and power and I choose to focus on personal power for myself and with my clients – I call it InPower. InPower is that special ability leaders can develop to free themselves from the culture around them so they can choose where and how they place their energy in service to the world and themselves. Our dominant culture doesn’t train us to see InPower and many can’t appreciate it until you do.
Unconscious Bias: The Key to Effective Gender Communication
In executive coaching (both women and men) I’ve often observed that two parallel stories about women and men in the workplace often coexist. First, “women and men communicate differently” is a truth that few bother to deny. Second, “men and women are treated equally in the workplace.” To me, it’s...
INSIGHT: People Problems – Who’s Fault Is It Anyway?
I've got a client (we'll call her Jenny) who's got some real people problems. She believes her boss is threatened by her and most of her direct reports want her job. Based on what she's told me, she has reason to believe that these people would all love to see her fail. But Jenny had another...
3 Ways to Avoid Founder’s Syndrome
In entrepreneurial circles, there is a well-known trap waiting for any successful startup visionary, the Founder’s Syndrome, which has gotten many an organization’s founder fired by the board and/or their funders. No matter how smart they are, even experienced entrepreneurs rarely know all that they need to know to lead a long-term successful effort. Here are three things you can do to make sure you don’t fall prey to Founder’s Syndrome, and better yet, transform yourself in the process.
Team Achievements Examples: Accomplishments When Applying for a Job
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, a column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching from executive coach, Dana Theus Dear Dana, I am updating my resume to apply for jobs. I read your article about "speaking accomplishments." I liked your advice and will apply it to how I manage the way I think about...
How To Maintain And Use Group Power – Book Review of The PRIMES by Chris McGoff
A PRIME is a pattern or principle that reliably comes into play when people gather in a group. This observable pattern – once named and shared with the group – goes from being an unconscious pattern to a manageable dynamic. Use the PRIMES to increase your team’s power. A powerful group makes a more powerful leader.
3 Things Women in Leadership Can Do To Stop Workplace Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
If you’re a woman in leadership, chances are you’ve experienced workplace discrimination due to your gender, even if you’re not aware of it. More likely, you were aware of it (especially if you’ve experienced sexual harassment) and were trying to ignore it so it doesn’t get in the way of your...
Take Back Your Power – Watch Your Language
If you pay attention to your language it will provide you insight and power over your subconscious – “natural” – InPower stance. As you practice obtaining and maintaining InPower balance, your language – internal and external – will begin to shift and change, becoming a source of your power. But first you must learn to “hear” yourself from an InPower perspective and listen for your InPower and out-of-power voice. In another post we’ll talk about what you are saying, but for now, just learn to listen to how you are saying it. When you speak – to yourself or to others – your choice of words can quickly tap you into your current power stance. Here are some examples.
Language is important indicator of everyone’s InPower stance, but it may be especially important for women, based on a new study by Judith Baxter.
Middle Managers – The Critical (Weak) Link of Change Management
If you were in charge of your corporate culture and knew it needed fixing, would you fix it? Certainly anyone in charge of change management would want to say yes to this question, but as anyone who is actually in charge of corporate culture knows, it’s harder than it looks. I like to think of...