Emily Bennington

Professional Networking: This Is How You Do It

Sometimes the idea of professional networking is daunting. Emily demystifies this critical career development skill by showing us how it's done. Her keys to success? Fearlessness and persistence. A winning combination. - InPower Editors Last week I spoke to 4,000 women. Two back-to-back sessions...

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Anger Management In The Workplace

How often do you observe (or participate in) angry exchanges that get out of control at work? Is this just "part of your workday"? In the wake of so many senseless school shootings, Emily reminds us that (a) there are reasons to interrupt this pattern and (2) real leaders do exactly this. -...

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Calm Your Inner Voice for Work-Life Success

Too often work-life life seems overwhelming, but how much of that is under our control? Emily reminds us that most of it is ours to command. - InPower Editors When you write a book about women dominating in business, a funny thing happens. People call your bluff. And so they begin to rise up and...

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How Do You Know Mindful Leadership Is Working?

Becoming an InPower leader means becoming mindful. But what does that look like? Feel like? Emily does a great job explaining why sometimes those questions are so hard to answer! But so important to pursue. - InPower Editor If there’s one question I get asked more than any other, it’s how you’re...

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Women, Burnout and Mindfulness

Burnout isn't working for anyone in our business culture - especially not women, who so easily burn out from family + work duties. Emily raises our consciousness with this post to remind us that we have the choice. - InPower Editors Two years ago I wrote about a former boss who casually mentioned...

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10 Inspirational Quotes for Women (& Men!) for 2014

We thought we'd round out this first month of 2014 with some great quotes for women - and men! - for the year ahead. Emily has a way of getting right to the point. Happy 2014 (for the last time!) - InPower Editors Twelve years ago my then-fiancé (now husband) was transferred to South Carolina....

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Mindfulness Can Help Your Career? Yes!

Today many of us are relaxing for the first time in a while. Others are looking forward to when they can. All of us can benefit from remembering that we choose the life we are leading and such mindfulness can help us through the busy times and the doldrums. We really enjoy how Emily counts down 11...

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Setting Priorities and Saying No

We all know we should set priorities and say no more easily and more often, but why don't we DO it more often? We love how Emily let's us peek into her head for some important insights on this important work-life-boundaries issue. ~InPower Editors I’m writing this because I’m procrastinating. I...

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A Note to New Career Moms

The other day I found myself at the doctor’s office for the second time in two weeks. I wasn’t sick. My kids were. First, one caught a virus and juuusssst as he was starting to feel better – poof! – he gave the same freakin’ germs to his brother. “If I know what’s wrong, can’t I just give one kid...

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