Guest Author

The Key To Being Adaptable

By: Susan Mazza If you want to be adaptable you must be willing to let go of the need to know the answer. Why? Because there is rarely one answer: that single right answer to the questions you are being asked and are asking or the right path through the challenges you face. Sure there are...

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How Virtual Managers Can Lead Effectively

By:Kristi Hedges Go into most companies these days and you’ll witness hand wringing around the complexities of managing a virtual workforce. Studies show that 80 percent of managers deal with dispersed teams, which may include managing people in remote locations, other countries, or in home-based...

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CBS Radio Interview

by: Tanvi Gautam I had the honour of being interviewed on CBS radio (US) by Career Coach Caroline. I loved her book “This is not the career I ordered” which is a fantastic set of stories (you know I love storytelling!) on women who transitioned between careers (from Morgan Stanley to a cup cake...

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11 Tips for Women Pitching Investors for the First Time

By: The Young Entrepreneurs Council What's one thing female founders need to know before pitching their company to investors for the first time? Question by: AshleyKnow Your Non-Negotiables"Get clear on your company's vision, mission and values -- these are your non-negotiables. If investors...

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A Mentor Is Not Enough

By: Dr. Tanvi Gautam What you need is a mentor! We have all heard that piece of advice at some point or the other in our careers. Organizations believe in this idea too and many make it a policy to assign employees to mentors. While this concept is well-intentioned there is an inherent flaw in the...

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Obama’s Top Cop Is A Woman (A First!)

With so much going on in Washington lately, from the sequester to gun control legislation to immigration reform, you may have missed the news that, for the first time in the agency's nearly 150-year history, the Secret Service is being run by a woman. Julia Pierson, 53, took over the top job at...

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4 Pieces of Advice for Female Social Entrepreneurs

by: Laura Calandrella Ten years ago, social entrepreneurship was a pretty lonely field. There weren’t degree programs or associations; impact investing and microfinance were barely even recognized terms. Even organizations like Ashoka – which has a 25-year history of investing in entrepreneurs...

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To-Be List for Aspiring Women Leaders

By: Angela Maiers I speak often to groups of aspiring young leaders. Typically, the question on their minds when I begin is "what do I need to DO to become a leader?" I quickly aim to change their orientation from what they must DO to what they must BE. Success in leadership is attributed not only...

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Podcast: Get Out Of Your Own Way

by: Tanvi Gautam Dr. Marcia Reynolds has a passion for discovering and sharing how the brain works, especially the brain of smart, strong women. She is also a world-renowned executive coach and presents leadership programs globally. In addition to Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find...

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