Stay-at-home-dads encounter all the stresses as stay-at-home moms, and maybe more. We really like Vincent O'Keefe's take on the how he and his working wife rescued each other and his review of Stew Friedman’s new book, "Baby Bust: New Choices for Men and Women in Work and Family". - InPower...
Guest Author
Three Key Questions for Women Who Invest (or Should)
There are many types of power and financial power is certainly one of them. How is your portfolio? We like the way Lorraine lays out a simple framework for financial investment. How's your portfolio? - InPower Editors As an investment advisor, I have had many conversations with women, and upon...
Yellen Down The Glass Ceiling
With President Barack Obama nominating Brooklyn-born Janet Yellen for Chair of the Federal Reserve, the 67 year old is poised to become the first woman to ascend to this prestigious position in the 100 year history of the US central bank (the “Fed”). When she is confirmed by the U.S. Senate later...
What Should I Wear to Work? Don’t Ignore Clothing Clichés – They Are All True
Introducing our newest blogger, Sheila Berry Founder of Living Vicky, a non profit dedicated to empowering young professionals. We love Sheila's insights into the timeless challenges of dressing for success. She reminds us that the answer to the question, "what should i wear to work?" is a balance...
You Inspire Me: Women in Politics – Dr. Val Arkoosh
We hear a lot about how more women in politics are needed in elected leadership - to bring sanity to a system that sometimes looks insane. Yet many women don't step up and throw their hat in the ring. Dr. Arkoosh is not only putting her bid in for elected office, but she's inspiring young women in...
Advice to Millennials in the Workforce: Stay Motivated
Do you remember how tough it was to enter the workforce? Yeah, tough! We love this advice co-created by our newest blogger, Sheila Berry, Founder at Living Vicky and her social media intern, Danielle. It's directed at the newest stars in our employee pool, millennials in the workforce, and it's...
Invest In The Most Awesome Woman You Know. Hint: It’s You
More and more women are going out on their own to pursueentrepreneurial dreams so we particularly liked Heidi's suggestions for how to think about financing such an adventure. Good advice in here some of us wish we'd known before we took the leap! ~InPower Editors Having it all and looking good...
Move Over Wonder Woman, There’s a New Heroine In Town
By: Take The Lead On Tuesday I participated in #GenderPop, a TweetChat hosted by an organization called Have Art Will Travel, also known as HAWT. Hot. HAWT uses art as a vehicle to inspire people to fearlessly live out their genders. The topic of the TweetChat was the new Pakistani cartoon show,...
5 Questions to Ask When People Drive You Crazy
By: Lea McLeod As surely as the sun rises in the east, someone will get on your nerves today. The degree to which they do will be in direct proportion to the amount of stress, anxiety, or other negative emotion you’re experiencing. This week, I let someone throw me off course. I let them them...
When FMLA Doesn’t Work
Two months ago, I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful little girl named Madelyn. When she was a week old, I was back to work. Because, as a freelancer, I didn't get maternity leave. Trying to meet a deadline while learning to be a new mom was exhausting. I was breastfeeding for the first...