Kathryn Sollmann

Leaders Aren’t Only Bold and Outspoken

By: Kathryn Sollmann, 9Lives For Women Founder You’re just starting out in your career—or working in a summer job or internship to boost your resume and give you an edge after graduation.  Either way you’re now on your personal path to leadership—not lost at the bottom of the totem pole. What does...

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The Work-Life Conundrum: Struggle Now or Down the Road?

Recently when reading about work-life balance, I read that millennials are more focused on “finding the work that fits your life” than their mothers were at the same age. In my Baby Boomer generation women left the workforce in large numbers to be with family—and through my coaching practice I...

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Work at Home: All Work and No Playdough

In a recent Twitter conversation about finding work that fits your life, Pamela La Gioia, the CEO of Chicago-based Telework Recruiting, wisely pointed out that flex work is not a substitute for child care. Pamela’s company helps professionals find work that can be done at home, but she knows that...

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Do You Have Work-Life Confidence?

Women who successfully blend work and life have a healthy dose of what I call “Vitamin C” or Confidence. They know that no area of your life will ever be perfect for a sustained period of time—and that it is possible to blend work and life without feeling like you’re shortchanging your job or your...

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The Dollars and Sense of Women and Work

As a career coach and seminar leader, I’ve met hundreds of “stay-at-home mothers” who spend months—or even years—weighing the pros and cons of returning to work. Though the immediate assumption would be that these women can easily afford never to work again, I’ve learned that even in affluent...

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Blend, Don’t Balance Work and Life

We're big fans of work-life blending here at InPowerWomen.com because the concept of work-life balance assumes a steady state that few of us actually experience. Kathryn provides much needed perspective to help you give yourself a "guilt-ectomy" about blending what's most important in your life...

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Do Your Research For the Job Search

Looking to make a change to your work-life status? You might be considering or ready for a return the workforce.  The more fun-filled summer months could be reminding you that you want to downsize your career. Or you may be starting or continuing a job search after a layoff or career change of...

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