Kathryn Sollmann

Do Your Research For the Job Search

Looking to make a change to your work-life status? You might be considering or ready for a return the workforce.  The more fun-filled summer months could be reminding you that you want to downsize your career. Or you may be starting or continuing a job search after a layoff or career change of...

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Work and Play Your Way to A Long and Happy Life

"What does "retirement" mean to you? Though it might mean different things to each of us, it's not a bad idea to imagine that whenever you might encounter it, "retirement" might mean "doing what you enjoy and making a living". How early can you retire? - InPower Editors Even when I was much...

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Sales Skills Help You Reach Your Personal Best

Think you don't have any sales skills? Think you don't need them? You do! Kathryn deconstructs the most important sales skills and shows you how to develop your ability to get buy-in. What can you do to develop your sales skills this week? - InPower Editors There’s a saleswoman inside all of us...

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Is that Work-Life Roadblock Really You?

We all face work-life challenges and all our challenges have a dimension where we contribute to the problem. This doesn't make it "our fault" but it does give us a place to start in removing the roadblock! Don't worry, there's another one waiting... and the more we move the greater impact we have...

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Is Sexism Still Holding Us Back?

The discussions about women in leadership usually don't point the finger at sexism by men directly these days, and with good reason. This article from Kathryn helps us understand how today's sexist cultural trends are much more complex than it's "Mad Men" stereotype. We can't just blame the men...

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A Winning Pitch for Work Flexibility

The story goes that women don't negotiate for themselves well. But we can. Especially when it's for something important to us. We love insight from Katherine with tips on negotiating for one of the things we often want most - flexibility. - InPower Editors For the last decade+ I have thought about...

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Career Strategy: Mentors good. Sponsors better!

We get a lot of questions about how to find a sponsor to advocate for you behind the scenes. This post by Kathryn (and the book she reviews) will give you a lot of insight into this important career strategy. - InPower Editors At a recent 85 Broads Power Circle event, I indeed felt the power of...

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C-Suite Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

What are women thinking in the C-Suite?  Once they have faced and conquered all the obstacles and reached the corporate pinnacle still so dominated by men, what do they wish they had known or done differently as they were building their careers? I’ve been wondering about the answers to this...

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Manage Your Time and Your Sanity

Time management isn’t just an issue for busy executives. When you’re in the volunteering stage of your work-life it is a much needed skill. Volunteers often over-extend themselves and also feel that they should be able to complete 99 tasks and projects at home just because they are not “working”...

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