Feeling "burned out" seems to be a normal part of working life, but like Laurie, we've found it really doesn't have to be. Laurie's advice really works to help you find your own kind of "balance," that doesn't require you to sacrifice yourself in order to achieve success! - InPower Editors I look...
Let Your Freak Flag Fly – At Work?
We want to be authentic at work, but what does this really mean? Does it REALLY mean you can let your freak flag fly? It's not that simple. Laurie gives us a thoughtful vision of what your authentic professional life can look like. Take a look. ~ InPower Editors There is a lot of talk about...
Career Burnout: 3 Signs You Are At Risk
I’ve always admired the leaders of get it done, change the world companies and their CEOs; companies like Apple, Facebook and Spanx. But before I get too starry-eyed and wanting to emulate leaders like Jobs, Sandberg and Blakely I have to stop and remind myself that 96% of corporate leaders are...
Why Are Women Burning Out If We Aren’t Working Over 50+ Hours A Week?
I was shocked to read that only 9% of working mothers work 50 or more hours per week according to the American Community Survey. So why are so many of us feeling fried? Yes there is the issue that this study only measured paid work, and not the unpaid work of being a mother. But I suspect the...
How To Increase Your Energy: Stop Wearing Burnout As A Badge Of Honor
It all started in kindergarten, or maybe it was preschool. You got a gold star when you did something well. Those gold stars might as well have been made of gold they were so precious. And thus began your structured indoctrination in rewards for work. If you’re anything like me and millions of...
How To Excel At Work In 3 Easy Steps
We've all been there. Having a great day. Checking things off the to do list. Then boom! You hit a wall worse than a marathoner bonking at mile 20. You want to crawl under the desk. It takes an hour to get back to the same level of productivity. That's an hour you’ve either lost or you have to...
Don’t Cope With Stress, Neutralize It
As I was taking a walk down memory lane the other day and remembering my teen years, I realized that many of us are acting like teenagers. Remember how we thought we were invincible back then? We did stupid things like drive too fast, drink too much and play with fire. We’re lucky to be alive with...