
How to Deal with Annoying People

Key Takeaways: Choose your battles wisely: Sometimes staying silent is stronger than reacting, especially when the situation is petty. Not every conflict deserves your energy, so reserve it for the things that truly matter. Silence can shift the energy: When confronted by a jerk, resist the urge...

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No One Likes Me” – Really?

We all know how to deal with rejection - by rejecting it! Marcia does a fabulous job of helping us understand not only why a "no one likes me" attitude can be part of our problem, and she gives practical advice for how we can stop playing this head game with ourselves! - InPower Editors When...

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End Your Relationship With Dignity

Long-term relationships and marriages end and part ways for many reasons. Rarely do they end for no reason. If the reasons are not clear and understood by both parties, including the one choosing to leave, grudges and guilt will destroy good memories. The bad breakup could end up as baggage...

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5 Steps to Taming Your Emotional Triggers

We welcome Dr. Marcia Reynolds back to the site to provide insight into ways of understanding and releasing your emotional triggers. Learn about Marcia's book, The Discomfort Zone and how to turn discomfort into a leadership asset. – InPower Editors How to Tame Your Emotional Triggers No...

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Toxic Alert! Do You Know What Negative Thoughts Are Doing To You?

For the most part, an active imagination is as asset and helps us envision success, solutions to problems and fun things to keep us motivated. But of course it can also undercut us and disempower us if we're not careful. Marcia offers some welcome insight into how we can get a handle on negative...

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Does “Life Purpose” Really Equal Life Happiness?

At InPower Coaching we believe that having purpose is critical to both happiness and effectiveness at life - but what if you haven't found your life's calling? The thing you plan to devote every waking breath to forever? If you haven't found a "life purpose" are you destined for unhappiness and...

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Stop Praising the Differences in Men and Women

For years, I have been writing about the differences in the brains of men and women. I have touted the innate strengths women bring to the workplace. I have supported communication skills training that teach us to adapt to gender-based styles. The men in my life are indirectly teaching me that I...

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Stop the Spiral of Negative Self Judgment

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, shared in a speech that no matter how charmed her life looks, every day she falls short of what she had hoped to accomplish. Then she has to consciously stop her brain from beating herself up for her shortcomings. She ended by telling us to “Let go of...

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7 Tips for Bouncing Back From Disappointment

  Life isn’t fair. You can’t always get what you want. Even though you know this, disappointment hurts anyway. You can’t think yourself into feeling better. The shift has to be made emotionally. Hopefully, you will be able to shift to feeling gratitude or happiness after a setback. Most...

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Discovering the Roots of Your Restlessness

Many of the people I work with tell me they feel restless, knowing there is “something more” to do with their careers and their lives. They also feel a little sad and maybe resentful. Is this you?  As you look back on this year, do you feel grateful for what has occurred or relief that it is...

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