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INSIGHT: Freedom of Choice

INSIGHT: Freedom of Choice

  How many choices do you really make freely? As though you truly had an option? Notice how often you feel like you don’t have a choice and then ask yourself how you’d think about it differently if you did. Act as though you do. Because you do. We fight for...

Is that Work-Life Roadblock Really You?

Is that Work-Life Roadblock Really You?

We all face work-life challenges and all our challenges have a dimension where we contribute to the problem. This doesn't make it "our fault" but it does give us a place to start in removing the roadblock! Don't worry, there's another one waiting... and the more we...

Just Be Yourself? 5 Ways This Can Be Dangerous

Cliches have truth in them, but sometimes they're just too simple! We love how Henna gives deeper insight into the truism "be yourself." Wisdom below! - InPower Editors “Just be yourself, you’ll do fine”. Ever heard this well-meaning advice? I gave this advice...

The Secrets to Emotional Intelligence

Women are often credited with high emotional intelligence, but "EQ" is accessible to all of us, and it's not just about being able to read other people! Emotional intelligence is also about being able to manage our own emotions and the energy associated with them....

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Women in Leadership

Gendership: A Guy’s View

When I interviewed Mike Howard, Chief Security Officer at Microsoft, on the subject of leadership, we also had a great conversation about the role he sees gender and diversity playing in modern organizations. I listened to understand Gendership – the partnership of...

Take Off Your Corporate Mask – Step Into Your Power

This month while I’ve been giving my eSeminar to the amazing and brave people intent on developing their own Authentic Leadership Style, I’ve been exploring deep and powerful dimensions of authenticity and sharing them on the blog. One of the elephants in the room...

Diversity & Inclusion

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