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January 17: Manage your own career – advice from Sharon Miller
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel What does it mean to manage your own career? I think we all assume that we do it, but sometimes we may coast a bit: Let our employer make some career decisions for us Let our bosses guide us a little more than we should Let...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Looking for a job? Don’t Update Your Resume
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I didn’t think I’d be looking for a job so soon but my...
Whether you’re excited about the end or the beginning, BE excited. It’s so easy to focus on what we lack, but focusing on what we have will always make the process of getting stuff more fun. This works as we wait for Christmas morning or whatever joyous occasion...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: 3 Reasons For Negotiating A Job Offer
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I just got a job offer within my company (in another...
December 13: Jessica Olmon discusses taking 100% responsibility
To be successful you must first be willing to take 100% responsibility for everything, both good and bad, in your life. When we take full responsibility, we regain control of our lives and stop seeing our circumstances from the perspective of a victim: someone...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: My Boss Is The Problem
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you workplace advice and coaching. Please write in and tell me about a frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus I recently got put on a team with a boss who is so negative that I’m feeling “infected” by...
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Taking the Reins: Turning EMpowered Employees into INpowered Leaders
This is my second reference to the book Turn The Ship Around, by David Marquet. It’s such a good book on empowering leadership I recommend it to any leader or aspiring leader. Empowering leadership is not easy. Here is one secret to it that I particularly like. Have...
Women and Power: Do We Get It?
Contributed by CEO Coach Henna Inam There is a large space between having power and being powerful. Women have historically had a love hate relationship with power. Personally, I am one of them. In some situations in my corporate career, I was in positions of great...
Leadership Skills Outside Your Comfort Zone
So you’ve just gotten that great opportunity you’ve wanted for so long. You got the promotion! Woo hoo! You settle into your new office, put the higher pay in your monthly budget, meet your colleagues, receive the key to the bathroom and put that first board meeting...
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Career Advice
9 Ways Daily Mindfulness Will Help You Succeed
By: Prerna Gupta When life seems overwhelming, it's the simplest of strategies that can save us. This young woman reminds us what simple things can create mindfulness and peace even in a busy life. - InPower Editors Many of us are drawn to the peace and happiness...
To Reach Your Highest Potential, Start From Your Strengths
Do you lead from your strengths or weaknesses? We all need to get better, but we're more successful in doing so if we start from what we're best at. What are you best at? - InPower Editors Recently, I reread a wonderful book called Unique Ability: Creating The Life...
How Loneliness Can Sabotage Your Success
Success doesn't always come hand-in-hand with happiness and emotional connectedness. As your star rises, make sure your constellation shines bright. - InPower Editors Lisa is a successful manager in her 40’s working for a large corporation. Lately, she is more...
Women in Leadership
5 Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Efficacy
Mastering Self-Efficacy Helps Smooth Out the Bumps in Life “Self-efficacy: The belief that one has mastery over the events of one’s life and can meet challenges as they come up” Self-efficacy is the most important part of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that a Working Mom...
Creating More Life Balance
We don't think of ourselves as frogs in boiling water very often, but Andria reminds us how often this is the case. Take care of yourself, my friends. Read this to remember why life balance is so very important to you. - InPower Editors After spending 20 years in the...
How Emotional Intelligence in Leadership is a Strength, Not a Weakness
Doesn't becoming a mom make us more emotionally intelligent? Lizzy surprised herself with a 360 that said, "um, no!" Peak into Liz's journey back to emotional intelligence in this interesting post about the impact of motherhood on her professional performance. -...
Diversity & Inclusion
Gendership Beyond Politics: A Universal Force For Change
If you’ve been hanging out wondering who will win the battle to make the War on Women (WoW) their election year issue, you’re probably still waiting. Last I checked, both sides were pointing their finger at the other for impinging on women’s rights in some form. I...
Stuck at 15%: Are Women Doomed to Second Place?
Some athletes are simply not destined to get the gold. Women have a record-breaking presence in the Olympics this year - every nation sporting women on their teams for the first time in history and more women than men on the U.S. team. But when I look at the...
Stuck at 15%: Are Women Doomed to Second Place?
Some athletes are simply not destined to get the gold. Women have a record-breaking presence in the Olympics this year - every nation sporting women on their teams for the first time in history and more women than men on the U.S. team. But when I look at the...