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Do Meetings Waste Time You Could Otherwise Be Productive?

Do Meetings Waste Time You Could Otherwise Be Productive?

How much more would you get accomplished if it weren't for meetings? Sometimes it feels like the answer is "a lot" and yet our need to work cohesively with our teammates means meetings are a must. Here's a simple look at how to get the most out of the meetings you...

Is Cooperation the New Efficiency?

Good leaders are often credited with being good collaborators, but why is this cooperative instinct so valuable? There are lots of reasons, but efficiency is a hidden gem among them. - InPower Editors By: Mary Schaefer Is the ability to gain cooperation...

Why Are Some Companies So Successful?

When you're looking at success and wondering how to bring it into your life, remember the simple lessons of failure; don't give up and excel at what matters most. Then, you will inevitably win. - InPower Editors By: Randy Rayess In today’s saturated market, what makes...

Who Are You BEING As a Leader

Who we become as leaders comes not from books or training but from paying attention to the small and big choices we make every day. Just last week my 16-year old called me in a panic around 11:30am. She asked if I could come and pick her up from school. Her voice had...

5 Reasons Why People Leave Bad Bosses, Not Companies

Want to be a good boss? It's not always as simple as producing good work, or even making your employees like you. Check out Paula's wisdom about how to be a great boss (and spot a bad one before you get stuck with them!) - InPower Editors I was fortunate to grow up...

What to Do When You Think Yourself Crazy

According to Gender Intelligence (link is external) expert, Barbara Annis, women tend to spend more time on introspection and worry over social interactions and daily events than men. Women tend to reflect on a situation over and over, looking at what went wrong, what...

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Career Advice

4 Pieces of Advice for Female Social Entrepreneurs

by: Laura Calandrella Ten years ago, social entrepreneurship was a pretty lonely field. There weren’t degree programs or associations; impact investing and microfinance were barely even recognized terms. Even organizations like Ashoka – which has a 25-year history of...

Forget the Glass Ceiling. Look for the Sweet Spot

It is a well known fact in human psychology. We only see what we believe. I was speaking a few years ago on a panel of C-suite women about how to achieve career success.  One woman in the audience asked: “How did each of you shatter the glass ceiling?”.  Every single...

Executive Coaching Guru Joel Garfinkle [Audio Interview]

As a part of our interview series with InPower people I am loving talking to so many executive coaching experts. Coaches are often, by definition, pulling from their InPower source. They have to in order to help their clients, and the best ones are helping you access...

Women in Leadership

Research Says: Experience Can Overcome Attitude for a Working Mother

Study: What Moms Think: Career vs. Paycheck. (Working Mother Media, 2012) Finding: Attitudes determine outcomes in this research on women and work, but experience matters too. Women who are career minded are more positive about their careers. Male managers who have...

Diversity & Inclusion

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