Across Generations

How Do You Respond To Gender Discrimination & Bias?

What do you do in that moment where you see someone discriminating against you - or another woman? - Click To Tweet Sometimes you want to lash out at gender discrimination. Sometimes you're so flabbergasted you don't know what to say or do. Take some tips from bloggers Dana Theus...

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Make Better Decisions for Yourself

Anna had the opportunity to apply for a high-paying consulting job but she had procrastinated so long the deadline was looming. She called me to help her figure out what to do. At her current job, she had been a successful team leader and agreed to take on a struggling team to prove she could turn...

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Finding Purpose in Your Fab 40’s Video 3

Why is purpose so important and why is it so important to women in our 40's? Carin's video series gives us great insight into this important question. Today's installment concludes the series. Tune into next Wed (10/29/14) for a video interview with Dana & Carin. Feel free to...

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Personal Power Tip: How to Respond Instead of React

How many times do you react without thinking and wish you'd had the ability to stop and choose your response more intentionally? Don't feel alone if you said "too many times!" Sameer gives some great advice and perspective on this all-too-common challenge to developing your personal power in the...

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Tips for WorkLife Blending [VIDEO]

No matter how much “flexibility” we get in our office, we all struggle to get it all done in our worklife. This cross generational video discussion takes a look at the realities of worklife “blending” from the employee’s and employer’s point of view, and gives us all some tips. Join the...

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Is It Possible to Have A MidLife Crisis at 30? 40? 50?

Apparently, having a mid-life crisis is all the rage, no matter what age you're at. Marcia does a good job examining what a "crisis" is all about and giving us advice appropriate to our decade. - InPower Editors This past year, I have had numerous reporters ask me to explain why women around the...

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3 Ways Managing Millennials Will Make You a Better Leader

Is it just us or is there a lot of negative talk about the millennial generation these days? We’re getting kindof sick of it because we see plenty of opportunity coming into the workforce with these young adults. First and foremost is the opportunity to become a better leader for us “older folk.”...

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