Career Development

Blend, Don’t Balance Work and Life

We're big fans of work-life blending here at because the concept of work-life balance assumes a steady state that few of us actually experience. Kathryn provides much needed perspective to help you give yourself a "guilt-ectomy" about blending what's most important in your life...

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5 Reasons Why People Leave Bad Bosses, Not Companies

Want to be a good boss? It's not always as simple as producing good work, or even making your employees like you. Check out Paula's wisdom about how to be a great boss (and spot a bad one before you get stuck with them!) - InPower Editors I was fortunate to grow up working for one of the best...

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What to Do When You Think Yourself Crazy

According to Gender Intelligence (link is external) expert, Barbara Annis, women tend to spend more time on introspection and worry over social interactions and daily events than men. Women tend to reflect on a situation over and over, looking at what went wrong, what they should have done or said...

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7 Factors To Get Sponsored To The Top

In 2011, Women CEO’s in the Fortune 500 made up 14% of the CEO’s according to Catalyst, flat vs. the prior year.  Lack of sponsorship appears to be a key factor driving insufficient advancement of women based on a Catalyst study. Men and women have equal number of mentors. However women miss out...

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What to Do When You are Bored to Death

With attention spans growing smaller, impatience is increasing. The more you feel stuck in the situation—listening to a co-worker’s weekend escapades, waiting in line for a cup of coffee, sitting in a meeting you could care less about—the more agitated you feel. If you can’t access the email on...

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6 Fail-Proof Ways to Give Yourself the Leverage to Succeed

By: Peter Voogd By applying the power of leverage to business, you can (with less effort) accomplish a lot more. Without it, you increase your risk of burnout and frustration, and limit your rewards.  Put simply, leverage is all about multiplying gains and making money work for you. In this...

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Your Real Biological Clock

Timing is everything, right? It can be and when you're focused on achieving a major impact - that's meaningful to YOU - the best things start happening right now. Take inspiration from Paula's simple and powerful reminders. - InPower Editors I recently appeared on a national web show to discuss...

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How Do You Respond To Gender Discrimination & Bias?

What do you do in that moment where you see someone discriminating against you - or another woman? - Click To Tweet Sometimes you want to lash out at gender discrimination. Sometimes you're so flabbergasted you don't know what to say or do. Take some tips from bloggers Dana Theus...

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Career Coaching: Look How Far You’ve Come

Sometimes we forget what it was like trying to manage your career in the "old days," before the internet and career coaching. Andria reminds us that things are much better now! - InPower Editors I spend a lot of time working with clients on ‘what’s next’, their next step, next career, or next...

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