Career Development

9 Ways Daily Mindfulness Will Help You Succeed

By: Prerna Gupta When life seems overwhelming, it's the simplest of strategies that can save us. This young woman reminds us what simple things can create mindfulness and peace even in a busy life. - InPower Editors Many of us are drawn to the peace and happiness promised by a life of mindfulness,...

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To Reach Your Highest Potential, Start From Your Strengths

Do you lead from your strengths or weaknesses? We all need to get better, but we're more successful in doing so if we start from what we're best at. What are you best at? - InPower Editors Recently, I reread a wonderful book called Unique Ability: Creating The Life You Want, by Catherine Nomura,...

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How Loneliness Can Sabotage Your Success

Success doesn't always come hand-in-hand with happiness and emotional connectedness. As your star rises, make sure your constellation shines bright. - InPower Editors Lisa is a successful manager in her 40’s working for a large corporation. Lately, she is more emotional in business meetings,...

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What’s Your Purpose? [Video]

Why it important to tap into your "purpose" to help you succeed in your career? The discussion of your life's purpose is talked about a lot, but still not well understood by many women. Join Executive Coach Dana Theus and Purpose Coach, Carin Rockind in a live video discussion of the relationship...

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You Are What You Think: The Significance of Your Word Choices

What if everything you said mattered? Would you speak differently? Most of us would. Mary takes it to a whole new level, and helps us understand the importance of our words. - InPower Editors Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions,...

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Fearlessness: The Key To Effective Feedback

Feedback is so important to our careers and effectiveness, and yet it freaks so many of us out. What can we do to get better at giving and receiving feedback? - InPower Editors When you think about it, giving and receiving feedback is pretty much all communication is. You talk. I listen. Then I...

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Women Leaders: It’s (still) Not Easy Being ‘Grit’

It's still not easy for a woman to have an assertive management style without repercussions. Leslie helps us see this challenge for what it is. How do you manage it? - InPower Editors Earlier this year, my partner and I interviewed 28 women leaders about their styles of influence and how those...

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Break Your Rules, Create New Paradigms

I recently attended a meeting sponsored by Women’s Weekly, an organization that connects high accomplishing women in the Washington, D.C. area. Judith Wilson founded the organization, herself a highly accomplished leader in the D.C. business and nonprofit communities. The title of the meeting...

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Do Your Research For the Job Search

Looking to make a change to your work-life status? You might be considering or ready for a return the workforce.  The more fun-filled summer months could be reminding you that you want to downsize your career. Or you may be starting or continuing a job search after a layoff or career change of...

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5 Practices To Go From Fears to Fierce

Does this situation sound familiar? You want to really go for that promotion but you don’t think you’re quite ready so you don’t raise your hand. You’ve been thinking about pursuing an entrepreneurial venture but are afraid of losing the steady paycheck so you don’t take the next step toward your...

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