Career Development

How To Psyche Yourself Up For Difficult Conversations

By: Mary Schaefer What do you do when you’re really ticked off A client asked me for coaching to help deal with having difficult conversations a colleague. The colleague made false accusations, talked about him behind his back and micromanaged. Overall he made him look bad. We talked over several...

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Sponsor vs. Mentor – 3 Tips for Attracting a Sponsor

Is “Executive Sponsor” is the New “Mentor” for Women Leaders? The missing piece in women's advancement strategies into leadership? Mentorship helps us be effective, but it’s not as helpful at helping us get a job as sponsorship is. Dana takes a look at what is means to have a sponsor vs. a mentor...

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Career Audit: How Much Worklife Bliss Did You Achieve?

Where Has “Normal” Career Planning Gotten You? How are you doing in your career? Are you where you want to be? Is everything hunky dory? Do you end every day at work glad to be alive? If every answer isn’t an enthusiastic YES! Then it’s time to do a career audit and see just how much “bliss”...

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3 Ways To Thrive During Life Changes

Have you ever lost your job? Cute quotes about making lemonade out of lemonade don't quite cut it when you get the news, do they? Dealing with change is tough, even for those of us who've practiced a lot. We really like Andria's simple rules for handling the inevitable life changes coming our way....

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How to Prepare for a Performance Review or Job Interview

One thing I love most about the InPower Community and other forums where I take part as an expert is answering people's questions. One of the most popular topics on people's minds is how to prepare for a performance review, followed closely by queries about how to prepare for a job interview....

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Selfishness or Self-sacrifice: Is That Our Only Choice?

Ever feel stuck between self-sacrifice and being a selfish b&%ch in the office? Too many women know what this no-win situation feels like. We really like how Leslie reframes this choice around "self-fullness." Don't get stuck, choose selfully! - InPower Editors “Even though my efforts helped...

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Building Your Social, Personal Brand

Please welcome special guest blogger, Heidi Lorenzen, President of Marketing Moksha, who’s turning her extreme marketing knowledge to helping us think about how to use social media to shape your personal brand.  “Social business” is a buzz-phrase increasingly used today to describe the transformed...

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