Wondering about our career aptitude isn't just for entry level workers. We can experience a disconnect between our work and our life at any time in our career. We welcome Christy back from her blogging hiatus as she shifted her family and her business to a new city. Check out her new site, too! -...
Career Development
11 Ways Women (& Men!) Are Changing Work-Life Values
Women are leading a quiet revolution in the workplace and Dana used her debut post for the Huffington Post Business section to detail how we're doing it. The work-life values of the future workforce don't look like the values of the past. How do you live these values in your career? - InPower...
Career Coach: How Critical Thinking Independence Defeats Dragons
Early in our career - or anytime in our career - we often encounter workplace challenges that seem overwhelming. We really like how Sheila breaks down an overwhelming problem into its piece parts with the socratic method to provide guidance for how to tackle big career challenges. The dragons...
Feel Good Self-Promotion
Do you hate networking? Meeting strangers and having to promote yourself – or your business – from scratch? Join the club! Dana is something of an expert in helping us learn authentic personal promotion techniques. Her secret? Authentic strategies that don’t feel like self-promotion! – InPower...
Career Advancement Tips: How To Get A Sponsor
Research has shown that career sponsors have a more positive effect on your career than mentors. But how do you get a sponsor? We love Henna’s career advancement tips on the 5 factors that invite sponsors to help us. What are you doing to attract sponsors? – InPower EditorsWant to get choice...
Is Office Politics Holding You Back?
We’ve heard some women point at “office politics” for why they don’t care much about getting ahead, and even some who don’t let it stop them hold their nose and deal with it. Sometimes this is an excuse and sometimes it’s not. Dana takes a hard look at what is really going on behind the “office...
Mindfulness Can Help Your Career? Yes!
Today many of us are relaxing for the first time in a while. Others are looking forward to when they can. All of us can benefit from remembering that we choose the life we are leading and such mindfulness can help us through the busy times and the doldrums. We really enjoy how Emily counts down 11...
New Year’s Intentions and Career Planning
New year’s day only comes once a year, and it offers us an opportunity to create a beginning like no other day. We like how Dana uses this day to do some intuitive career planning. But seriously, why wait until New Years to plan your future? Whatever you do today, enjoy the beginning. – InPower...
Meditate at work? Maybe. Meditate and work? Definitely!
For many this is a quiet week where, even in the midst of social and work bustle we can find time for personal reflection. is it practical to meditate at work? Maybe not, but we really like how Henna shares her experience on how building a reflective practice of meditation can help us become more...
Maxed Out – 6 Sources of Work Stress for Moms and Non-Moms
Moms know how much stress they're under, but what does a non-mom work stress expert think? We really appreciate that Paula took a look at stress through a mother's eyes in today's post where she reviewed the new book by Katrina Alcorn, Maxed Out. Along the way, Paula teaches us all about stress...