Career Development

The Top 5 Mistakes Women Make Receiving Feedback

"Women and feedback" is a rich subject. Not only do we often have our own filters in place about what feedback "really means" (and we're not always right!) but we DO receive feedback that's different from what the men are hearing next to us. Leslie does a fabulous job unpacking this complicated...

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Don’t Get Caught In the Results Trap!

If you produce excellent results but don’t feel like you’re moving up the leadership ladder (or around the jungle gym) fast enough, take a look to see if you’re excellent work is holding you back. Here’s what it feels like to be stuck in the results trap: You do good work, produce good results and...

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What’s Your Strategy as a New Manager?

Sometimes you get what you ask for, and when it's a promotion to management, that can be quite a shock. "Now what?" you might say. John has some great advice for a new manager, and an experienced one as well. He says, "I hope these ideas are helpful for those of you who are new in your role as a...

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Career Strategy: Mentors good. Sponsors better!

We get a lot of questions about how to find a sponsor to advocate for you behind the scenes. This post by Kathryn (and the book she reviews) will give you a lot of insight into this important career strategy. - InPower Editors At a recent 85 Broads Power Circle event, I indeed felt the power of...

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6 Lessons Learned on the Work Life Jungle Gym

Sheryl Sandberg contributed many valuable insights to professional women in her book, Lean In. The one that hit me most squarely was her analogy of a career as a jungle gym instead of a ladder. Truer words have never been written, and I think this is a major contribution to the discussion of...

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What If The Glass Ceiling Isn’t What We Think It Is?

What is the glass ceiling these days? The traditional view is that the glass ceiling is the white male’s comfy, old boy culture at the top that is threatened by the entrance of women into their private enclaves. In these secret nooks and crannies of corporate culture, it’s thought, leadership...

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9 Steps to Changing Careers and Getting the Life You Want

There are two questions I get asked most frequently when I meet new people and tell them my story. The first is, “Why did you decide to leave law?” and the second is, “How did you make the change?” I recently got an email from a woman explaining that she was stuck in her career path but she wasn’t...

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A Mentor Is Not Enough

By: Dr. Tanvi Gautam What you need is a mentor! We have all heard that piece of advice at some point or the other in our careers. Organizations believe in this idea too and many make it a policy to assign employees to mentors. While this concept is well-intentioned there is an inherent flaw in the...

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No Sexism Here – 3 Ways Men Can Help Women

Ladies, I write a lot for women, but I talk to many men who want to help us too. I recently wrote this for Smartblogs on Leadership (where lots of men hang out) and thought you might like to pass it on to the men you know that have women (especially younger women) reporting to them. Enjoy! If...

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