Career Development

The Art of Business Networking

“Networking” is a word I often see accompanied by a slump of the shoulders, a groan or a roll of the eyes – in both women and men. We know it’s critical to our business and career success, but so often when we think “networking” we think stiff smiles, exposing ourselves to rejection from strangers...

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4 Pieces of Advice for Female Social Entrepreneurs

by: Laura Calandrella Ten years ago, social entrepreneurship was a pretty lonely field. There weren’t degree programs or associations; impact investing and microfinance were barely even recognized terms. Even organizations like Ashoka – which has a 25-year history of investing in entrepreneurs...

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Forget the Glass Ceiling. Look for the Sweet Spot

It is a well known fact in human psychology. We only see what we believe. I was speaking a few years ago on a panel of C-suite women about how to achieve career success.  One woman in the audience asked: “How did each of you shatter the glass ceiling?”.  Every single one of us on the panel looked...

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Executive Coaching Guru Joel Garfinkle [Audio Interview]

As a part of our interview series with InPower people I am loving talking to so many executive coaching experts. Coaches are often, by definition, pulling from their InPower source. They have to in order to help their clients, and the best ones are helping you access your internal power source...

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Five Steps To Ask For What You Want – Powerfully

“Women Don’t Ask”. Ask for what you want - it’s the topic of a book and it’s often an unfortunate reality that keeps many of us from reaching our goals.  In my executive coaching work, some of my clients very clearly realize that this is an issue.  They know that whether it’s asking for a raise or...

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Put Your Stress Into Words

Three years ago I began my master's degree in positive psychology. My classmates and I, new to each other, were waiting for our first class to start. Everyone was a little anxious because one of us was about to be called on to tell their "You at Your Best" story about a time when we overcame a...

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The Power of Vulnerability

Note from the Editor: The staff of InPower women is taking some time off this week, as we hope you are, so we are reposting this popular post you may have missed. Happy Holidays! As an advocate for the underserved in her community, Gloria is recognized as a true leader. She’s smart, resourceful...

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Bully Boss Chat With Dana Theus (Video)

Last week I had the opportunity to join a couple of interesting folks in a HuffPostLive Google+ Hangout chat about bully bosses. You can watch the video interview below. I was surprised to have the interviewer push back on me when I took Steve Jobs’ to task for being a bully boss. Needless to say,...

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