Career Development

Quick Strategies to Bust the 10 Most Common Stressors

Managing stress and the fast moving pace of life is a constant challenge.  Too much stress and you burn out; too little stress and you become bored.  Performing at optimal levels requires that you take stock of what stresses you and utilize specific strategies for managing those stressors. ...

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Pitching Your Big Idea

To get support for your big idea, you have to become adept at pitching every idea. Good leaders know how to pitch. They do it naturally and easily. But this isn’t a skill anyone’s really born with, it takes some personal development. Why invest in becoming good at pitching? You gain more...

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3 Reasons Good Ideas Aren’t Good Enough

There’s a particular skill that middle managers who will become more than middle managers learn, and it’s not something that is taught in business school. It’s one of the reasons that we all benefit from good mentors, who really understand “how things work.” This particular skill is the ability to...

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Stuck at 15%: Are Women Doomed to Second Place?

Some athletes are simply not destined to get the gold. Women have a record-breaking presence in the Olympics this year - every nation sporting women on their teams for the first time in history and more women than men on the U.S. team. But when I look at the participation stats across the other...

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Be a meeting whisperer: Conflict Management 101

A simple reality of the working world is that meetings dominate our time, and the higher you go in your career, the more pressure there is to spend every waking moment in a meeting somewhere. I think we should cancel most of the meetings we attend, but what about the ones where you need to be...

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Can You Be Powerful?

What does it mean to be a powerful woman? Do we have to be aggressive and domineering, exerting power over others to drive success? Or if you favor collaboration, can you transform the meaning of power? There are two steps to consider when determining how you can be powerful if you desire to be....

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When Women Talk About Themselves, They Earn More

In a recent survey of working adults conducted by Accenture, 68 percent of the women thought it took hard work and long hours to advance in a company. The result often leaves women feeling burned out, and in some cases, they don't even choose to move up the ladder. Yet the study also found that...

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