Career Development

Create More Time in Your Day by Answering These 5 Questions

As a busy woman who works with busy professionals, I often hear this question:  “How can I get more time in my day?”  With busyness and disconnection at an all time high, these five questions will help you assess what changes you can make to create more time in your day and reconnect with what...

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Authenticity: Natural Stress Reduction

I’ve been delving deeply into the subject of authenticity lately as I launch my eSeminar on the power of your Authentic Leadership Style, and I’m beginning to see even more power in authenticity than I’d previously really focused on – including the way in which it can help you create space in your...

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My Surprise Secret to Work-Life Balance

I’ve been on a conscious, 15 year quest for work-life balance and have actually achieved a great deal of it (throws confetti). Recently I’ve been documenting a lot of my learning’s about what’s worked and what hasn’t during this time, and integrating it into my coaching practice, but it wasn’t...

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Presence: You Can’t Fake It (Book Review)

When someone you have worked with, known as a friend, colleague and thought leader writes a book – you buy the book and read it. And then you tell the world about it. That’s what I’m doing with Kristi Hedges and her new book, The Power of Presence: Unlock Your Potential To Influence And Engage...

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7 Simple Resilience Strategies for Busy, Complicated Lives

Recently, I’ve seen the term “resilience” applied to everything from real estate, to the economy, sports, current events, business, and more.  Resilience is a popular buzzword, but what really is resilience?  Most people are able to define it as the ability to bounce back from adversity, but few...

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Moving From Managing To Leading — Taking On The Big Picture

Moving from managing to leading is a challenge because the skills that make you a good manager aren’t enough to help you excel in leadership positions. Men and women alike sometimes perceive the gap between managing and leading to be a glass ceiling when, in many cases, it’s not necessarily that...

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Women, Want to Be Promoted? Talk About Yourself

In a recent survey of working adults conducted by Accenture, 68 percent of the women thought it took hard work and long hours to advance in a company. The result often leaves women feeling burned out and resentful for the lack of appreciation for their efforts. In reality, people don't advance...

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Change Leadership: Maximizing your ROL (Return on Luck)

  Sure, sometimes you’re the lucky recipient of spontaneous innovation, but according to business gurus, consistently good innovators actually have strategies for leveraging luck (the good and the bad) when it trips across their paths. In “Great by Choice” Jim Collins and Morten Hansen have...

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