Career Development

Constructive vs Destructive Complaining

Admit it. Sometimes you just need to whine a bit. Complaining is a natural impulse to experiencing things that we don't like. Mary gives us a great gift in helping distinguish constructive complaining from destructive complaining. Use her wisdom the next time you feel like whining! - InPower...

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Keys to Success: 2 Tricks for Goal-Setting and Personal Change

Leadership, career and success gurus place a huge focus on goals as keys to success. There are tons of articles, books, videos, classes and “systems” on how to set goals, how to organize them and how to “keep” them. Entire franchises have been built on this one productivity skill. And with good...

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Archetypal Personal Branding: A Woman’s Best Business Friend

Practical experience and research both tell us that women struggle more than men to speak up and promote themselves. Even women who speak up often find it hard to “sell” themselves. If you’re on the corporate ladder this can slow (or stop) your climb; when you’re self-employed, it can kill your...

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Mentee vs. Protégé: Is there a Difference?

When you’re mentoring someone, what do you call the person to whom you’re imparting all your wisdom? Mentee seems the easy, opposite of mentor, but I don’t like the term. Putting an “ee” on something makes it sound like something you’re “doing to” someone else.  Key Takeaways: Mentorship is a...

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Dear Dana Workplace Advice: How Not to Find a Dream Job

Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I have done a lot of research on my dream job (thanks to your tools!) but I have an...

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‘No’ Is a Complete Sentence. (Anne Lamott)

Say "no" to make your "yes's" mean more. It's that simple. - Dana Theus. What happens when you imagine saying ‘no’ to someone? Does your chest tighten or your stomach knot up? Do emotions arise? Anxiety, perhaps, or even panic? How do you react mentally? Maybe you get fuzzy-headed or think, “Oh, I...

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Toxic Alert! Do You Know What Negative Thoughts Are Doing To You?

For the most part, an active imagination is as asset and helps us envision success, solutions to problems and fun things to keep us motivated. But of course it can also undercut us and disempower us if we're not careful. Marcia offers some welcome insight into how we can get a handle on negative...

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