Welcome to “Dear Dana”, a column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching from executive coach, Dana Theus Dear Dana, I am updating my resume to apply for jobs. I read your article about "speaking accomplishments." I liked your advice and will apply it to how I manage the way I think about...
Career Development
5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Company – Leadership Right Now
In recognition of the fact that a company with women in roughly 30% of its leadership tend to produce healthier and stronger performing companies, there are lots of good programs out there trying to help women. But should we really wait for HR to come up with a great program?
Seriously – it’s not about the special programs. It’s about you and me and what we do every day to create the culture we live in – and to create a culture that welcomes the gifts women bring into the leadership ranks. Culture is created by the behaviors we tolerate and those we don’t. This doesn’t just apply to women.
Men and women both bear responsibility for helping lead their companies and create a strong culture – no matter what their title is.
Personally what can we do?
Do Hard: The Most Important Mentoring Tips For Women In Leadership
Much is written about how few women make it into the top leadership positions. The reasons are complex and multilayered, so there is much to write. But I consistently find several mentoring tips for women both maximally effective and minimally understood when I talk to women pursuing leadership...
Getting a Promotion is SO Yesterday
Podcast/Audio Getting a promotion has never been so hard. The economy is in constant flux and burnout is running high, especially among women. One question many are asking these days is, "Do I even want a promotion? And if I'm unsure, why should I stay here?" These words put chills down the spines...
Job Crafting Tips: How to Negotiate With Your Boss for More Meaningful Work
As more white collar and blue collar workers alike look to their jobs for more than a paycheck, many are wondering if it’s better to quit or try to shape their current job into something more meaningful. For the latter, a more self-directed career development strategy of job crafting the role...
How to Find Your Purpose at Work
Work is hard work. How to find purpose in your work is a hard question. Even when you know you are doing important things, showing up to do the hard work can start to feel like a grind. Pointless. Meaningless. Joyless. I don’t want it to be this way. I want every moment of work to be joyful. ...
FAQ: Career Coach Advice
Though most of my executive coaching centers on leadership, authentic personal branding and thriving in the midst of office politics, I often support people in job search and career transition. When I am giving career coach advice, I often find some themes in the conversation around how to handle...
Executive Presence for Women: What does it even mean?
Discussions about how women can rise to the top have traditionally focused on discriminatory dynamics. And there are many of those dynamics to discuss, but that’s not all there is to it. In addition to navigating unconscious bias, harassment and discrimination, women often succeed by cultivating...
How to Use Career Intention to Have Your Best Year Ever
When I was 28, I discovered that my favorite day of the year was New Year’s Day. And every year since I’ve had my best year ever. As a habit, I don’t overindulge in party mode on the Eve so the Day is mine to do with as I please. Especially before we all carried a world of possibilities in our...
Personal Branding Tips in the Modern Organization
Personal branding has been a thing now for over a decade, yet too many people still feel invisible where they work. How can that be with a wash of social feeds broadcasting us 24/7? Before social media, people had personal brands and called them “professional reputations.” I think it’s because...