Dear Dana, What do they mean when they say I should be more "confident"? I recently had a boss tell me that if I want to get ahead I need to express “confidence leadership style.” I think I am confident but I keep getting this advice in order to further my career. My girlfriend says she gets the...
Career Development
Dear Dana Career Advice: Interviewing for a job you don’t want
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, my occasional column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! Today we're answering a question about interviewing for a job you don't want. – Dana Theus, Executive...
Dear Dana Job Seeker Advice: When is the best time for a job search?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our occasional column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. We posted this at the beginning of the year, but since I'm getting more questions about timing for a job search now, I thought I'd post it again. Year-end is the perfect time to start getting ready for...
Putting Your Military Skills to Work: 6 Great Career Fields for Veterans
In celebration and gratitude for all our women and men in uniform and those who've served, we're posting this special veteran's career advice column by Brad Miller. In the service and thinking about jumping in to the civilian world? Know a vet who could use some career advice? Please share this...
3 Stages of Career Transition: Putting Yourself “Out There” For a Job Search
Maybe you’re a little bored. Maybe you’re too comfortable. Maybe you hate your boss. Maybe you’re about to be laid off. Maybe you’re just operating below your top capacity. Maybe you’re not sure it’s time for a job search, but you’re thinking about it anyway. Wherever you’re at, even if you’re...
How Does Executive Coaching Work?
Some Truths About Executive Coaching Executive coaching is the new state-of-the-art for career development. It’s like having a professional mentor–but much more. I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden...
6 Things You can Do When You’ve Had Enough Of Sexual Discrimination & Self-Sabotage
Every woman reaches a point at least once in her life (most of us, many more), where the frustration of sexual discrimination, subtle undermining or personal self-sabotage we learned at the knee of the dominant culture smacks us in the face. You know it. It’s that moment of wordless disbelief,...
How to Future Proof YOURSELF: 6 Suggestions [Video]
Recently I posted a video on how to future proof your career, but I only addressed the career planning aspects of how to prepare for an uncertain future. As an executive and career coach, I also see the personal toll and challenges that people encounter when creating a "Plan B" in case of...
Do You Follow Your Paycheck or Do You Follow Your Passion at Work?
By Shira Harrington Do you know the feeling when you’ve had a big “win” at work? When you’ve served with your whole heart doing something you love? It’s pretty exhilarating, right? That feeling doesn’t have to be fleeting. It’s possible to capture it every day when follow your passion and work for...
How to Create a Future Proof Career: 6 Suggestions [Video]
Reorganizations, layoffs and new (bad) bosses, oh my! It seems like every day I hear about people who were in stable jobs they thought they’d have for a long time when their work situation is disrupted and they found themselves feeling unprepared for a newly uncertain future. Most of the people I...