Gender Research

Infograghic: A Woman’s Place In The World

The United states ranked 19th on the list of best and worst places to be a woman in the world. Norway came in at the top and Somalia rounded out the bottom. The findings of this research, conducted by Save The Children, were taken from an in depth look at the health, education and economic...

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Research Says: Millennial Women Burn Out Early

Study: Millennial Women Burn Out Early (Forbes 2011) Finding: Studies show that Millenial women are reaching their corporate career peak at age 30 and burning out due to going non-stop from grade school straight into the corporate world. InPower Insight: Find time to relax in your day or early...

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Research Says: Recession Equals More Mr. Moms

Study: Recession and It's Aftermath Create More Mr. Moms (Wall Street Journal, 2011) Finding: Working Dad's are transitioning into Mr. Moms in the aftermath of recent recessions, and are allowing their working wives to carry the economic burden. InPower Insight: Embrace the shift of women working...

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Research Says: Are women CEOs trusted? YES.

  Study: MT/Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)'s Index of Leadership Trust (FreshMinds Consultants, 2010)  Finding: Female CEO's are gaining trust and proving competent, and it isn't because they're more empathetic, but likely because they are more meticulous in their methodologies....

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