Gender Research

Research Says: Women On Boards Are Good For Business

Study: The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women’s Representation on Boards, 2004–2008 (Nancy M. Carter, Ph.D., and Harvey M. Wagner, Ph.D., Catalyst 2011) Finding: This update of the 2007 study finds that Fortune 500 companies with high representations of women in board leadership...

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Research Says – Build Your Network Build Your Paycheck

Study:  Old Boy Network: Gender Differences in the Impact of Social Networks on Remuneration in Top Executive Jobs (Marie Lalanne and Paul Seabright, Toulouse School of Economics, 2011) Finding: Increasing your paycheck may be as simple as expanding your network. InPower Insight: Build your...

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Men Are Rewarded More Often for Speaking their Truth? Really?

I ran a survey last month asking people about their experiences with Speaking Truth to Power. One hundred and fifty five professionals – mostly women – responded and said loud and clear that: Almost half of them withheld their truth from their bosses a good deal of the time; 82% had been penalized...

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Why We Need Women in Leadership (the post that started it all)

I first posted this on my Reclaiming Leadership blog in June 2012. It still gets positive responses today. I’m a woman and I like to hear about women making it big in business, but I keep running across data that says that we still aren’t up there with the guys – despite “overwhelming evidence”...

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Research Summary: Gender Bias

Title: TBD Study: Does Gender Bias Against Female Leaders Persist? (Kim M. Elsesser and Janet Lever. Sage 2011) Finding: TBD Note about The Woman Effect Research Index: This study was performed by researchers not affiliated with InPower Women. Our Research Index includes all relevant research to...

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Research Summary: Womenomics

Title: TBD Study: Womenomics 3.0: The Time is Now (Matsui, Suzuki, Eoyang, Akiba, Tatebe, Goldman Sachs 2010) Finding: TBD Note about The Woman Effect Research Index: This study was performed by researchers not affiliated with InPower Women. Our Research Index includes all relevant research to the...

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Research Summary: Girls Count

Title: TBD Study: Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action Agenda (Ruth Levine, Center for Global Development, Cynthaia B. Lloyd, Population Council, Margaret Greene, International Center for Research  on Women, Caren Grown, American University, 2009) Finding: TBD Note about The Woman Effect...

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Research Summary: Board Diversification Strategy

Title: TBD Study: Board Diversification Strategy: Realizing Competitive Advantage and Shareowner Value (Virtcom Consulting) Finding: TBD Note about The Woman Effect Research Index: This study was performed by researchers not affiliated with InPower Women. Our Research Index includes all relevant...

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