
3 Reasons Good Ideas Aren’t Good Enough

There’s a particular skill that middle managers who will become more than middle managers learn, and it’s not something that is taught in business school. It’s one of the reasons that we all benefit from good mentors, who really understand “how things work.” This particular skill is the ability to...

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5 Strategies for Leading with the 5 Whys

Most leadership books and gurus will tell you that leaders are learners and full of curiosity. Sometimes, this penchant can get you into trouble and – as many entrepreneurs learn the hard way – lead you traipsing off after some little bright shiny thing, letting your business languish. This kind...

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Breaking the Pattern of Management

Gary Hamel is awesome. I remember doing strategic planning in the 90’s and reading Hamel’s guru stuff. Here he is 20 years later still blowing our minds and giving us new change management insights to play with. Gary Hamel: Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment In the video above...

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Measuring Leadership

How do you measure leadership? It’s an odd question, isn’t it? Leadership is inherently challenging to even describe because it’s a quality of being human. Psychologists and Change Management Consultants find ways to measure everything and I’m sure they have some metrics for this. However, my...

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Planning On Inefficiency

A few years back I - accidentally - launched a new web site. I didn't mean to, really. It just happened because what I'd planned to do in January was just more cost effective to do in December. So before I knew it I had an imperfect web site that went up without much/any planning, and customers...

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