Key Takeaways: Layoffs affect leaders too: While the focus is often on helping those who are laid off, team leaders also experience significant stress, including guilt and additional work. It's important to recognize that leaders need support as well. Adopt a mindset of transition: Accept that...
Coaching Advice
Coaching vs Mentoring: Do you need both?
Key Takeaways Coaching vs. Mentoring: Key Differences: Coaches focus on personalized growth, offering tools and strategies for skill and leadership development, while mentors share their experience, providing industry-specific insights and helping expand professional networks. Diverse Career...
Gaining Power In Your Career: A Guide to Getting Promoted at Every Level
Key Takeaways Getting promoted is not just about hard work: While dedication is important, getting promoted requires a deeper understanding of how the system works. You need to be strategic and play the game effectively. Toot your own horn: Don't be shy about your accomplishments! Make...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: How to Handle a Bully Who Stoops to Going Through Your Trash
Key Takeaways: Bullies thrive on negative emotions: Responding with anxiety or anger to a bully gives them more control. Learning to manage your emotional reactions through detriggering can make you less of a target and help you handle the situation calmly. Detriggering is essential for...
How to Deal with Annoying People
Key Takeaways: Choose your battles wisely: Sometimes staying silent is stronger than reacting, especially when the situation is petty. Not every conflict deserves your energy, so reserve it for the things that truly matter. Silence can shift the energy: When confronted by a jerk, resist the urge...
The Psychology of Goal-Setting Success
I am a student of goal-setting success. Early in my career I began to notice that I was more likely to meet some of my goals than others. Being curious, I began to experiment and reflect on which goals led to fairly effortless success and which ones might predictably end in frustration. My most...
Career Coaching Tip: The Limits of Empathy
Early in my career, empathy was my ace-in-the-hole management technique. I was all business when it came to helping my team on technical, process and performance issues, but if they had an emotional reaction or issue, I reverted to empathy because it was the easy thing to do. I learned that when I...
Daydream Stress Reduction
To kick off Stress Awareness Month, Dana let her mind wander and this is what came out. – InPower Editors I’ve been working hard lately and last week I hit a wall. My brain couldn’t take another step and it took me 20 minutes to write a two paragraph email simply because I felt so sluggish and...
Dear Dana Career Advice: Can I Change A Toxic Corporate Culture Or Should I Leave?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I loved your article on why my dream job isn’t a dream! It sums up how I’ve been...
What’s Your Dream Job and How Can Knowing it Light Up Your Soul?
Let’s face it: work is work. Even the best dream job turns into a daily grind eventually. And what if you’re in a job search? Looking for a job is work, too! What can make work less work? Hint: know the answer to the question “What’s your dream job?” Wait. You may be asking: Is it even...