Coaching Advice

The Key to Planning for Success in Business and in Life

By: Tammy Leigh Kahn Sometimes you can’t help but think of mistakes you’ve made, but here’s why you should let go of the past and make room for the present. As entrepreneurs, we all swing for the fences. Sometimes we hit a grand slam, sometimes it’s a single or a double, and sometimes, we strike...

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How To Craft A Rebound

On average, we make 11.7 career changes according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s a lot of rebounds, comebacks and course corrections. I know I have followed my authentic self onto a new path close to a dozen times so far. Career shifts are never easy, but always worth it. This article...

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Want a True Start-up Business? You Need 3 Things.

What are the keys to business success? It turns out is the same as the keys to life success! - InPower Editors A couple of weekends ago, I volunteered at the Dallas Startup Weekend: Women’s Edition, held at the Dallas Entrepreneur Center (the DEC). If you haven’t been to a startup weekend, think...

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Speaking a Truth that Hurts

  Whether you are typically cautious or assertive when it comes to stating your opinions without being asked, it is likely you shy away from telling a friend, colleague or family member something that you fear could hurt. The feedback could be as simple as letting a presenter know he has...

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Dear Congress…

Leadership doesn't just happen in board rooms or hallways, it happens at the highest levels - sometimes. Leslie reminds us what a breakdown in top leadership looks like - and draws on a concept of balanced leadership we can all learn from to show us how to fix it. - InPower Editors You are the...

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Release the Script

What does it mean to be authentic in a business context? Many of us struggle with this question but few of us wear the process out loud. That's what gurus are for. Watch Emily struggle out loud with how to be authentic. When was the last time you dropped your script? - InPower Editors Whenever I...

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Blend, Don’t Balance Work and Life

We're big fans of work-life blending here at because the concept of work-life balance assumes a steady state that few of us actually experience. Kathryn provides much needed perspective to help you give yourself a "guilt-ectomy" about blending what's most important in your life...

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Do Meetings Waste Time You Could Otherwise Be Productive?

How much more would you get accomplished if it weren't for meetings? Sometimes it feels like the answer is "a lot" and yet our need to work cohesively with our teammates means meetings are a must. Here's a simple look at how to get the most out of the meetings you attend - and especially those you...

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Is Cooperation the New Efficiency?

Good leaders are often credited with being good collaborators, but why is this cooperative instinct so valuable? There are lots of reasons, but efficiency is a hidden gem among them. - InPower Editors By: Mary Schaefer Is the ability to gain cooperation an underestimated component of efficiency? I...

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Why Are Some Companies So Successful?

When you're looking at success and wondering how to bring it into your life, remember the simple lessons of failure; don't give up and excel at what matters most. Then, you will inevitably win. - InPower Editors By: Randy Rayess In today’s saturated market, what makes a business stand out and...

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