Coaching Advice


Sometimes we need to push ourselves outside our comfort zone, but other times, we really don’t. We NEED to take time in our happy place, to remember what it’s like to feel comfortable and in control of our world. Our happy place is a stress reliever, and we all need those! The art of building your...

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The Art of Business Networking

“Networking” is a word I often see accompanied by a slump of the shoulders, a groan or a roll of the eyes – in both women and men. We know it’s critical to our business and career success, but so often when we think “networking” we think stiff smiles, exposing ourselves to rejection from strangers...

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INSPIRATION: Just Kidding!

Today’s post is a joke. Just kidding! Humor is nothing to laugh at – it’s something to laugh with. Laughter and smiles are good for the human body. They relax us, releasing neat little hormones that begin to heal us from the ravages of their opposite – stress. Have you ever thought of humor as a...

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Success vs. You? Is There a Win-Win?

The story our business culture tells us about success in business is that you can either be successful or you can have a life – but not both. The discussion storm around Anne-Marie Slaughter’s “having it all” article is swirling because it’s now apparent that this belief is not held by everyone....

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Podcast: Get Out Of Your Own Way

by: Tanvi Gautam Dr. Marcia Reynolds has a passion for discovering and sharing how the brain works, especially the brain of smart, strong women. She is also a world-renowned executive coach and presents leadership programs globally. In addition to Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find...

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INSPIRATION: The Myth of Control

We think when we get a promotion or a new project we’ll have the control we need to make a difference. But it doesn’t work that way. Control is a figment of our imaginations. We control things and we are controlled. We are just pawns on the game board until we choose to be in the game. The moment...

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Forget the Glass Ceiling. Look for the Sweet Spot

It is a well known fact in human psychology. We only see what we believe. I was speaking a few years ago on a panel of C-suite women about how to achieve career success.  One woman in the audience asked: “How did each of you shatter the glass ceiling?”.  Every single one of us on the panel looked...

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The Future Is Here – Where Are You?

We all know we’re living in interesting times as technology boils under the sea change in our economy, but it’s rare that we can see it very clearly. As a business person, it’s important to see such future trends clearly and this presentation by Mary Meeker, Wall Street analyst turned Kleiner...

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INSIGHT: Work-Life Identity

Why worry about balancing something you don't understand? When you understand who you are, it takes a lot less energy to BE you. We spend so much energy trying to balance all the different parts work-life parts of ourselves that if we're not careful, we forget that we're not a bunch of threads at...

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