Coaching Advice


Have you noticed how popular this old Indian sage is in our world today? His "Be The Change" message is everywhere, including email footers from friends and colleagues all over my inbox and bumper stickers everywhere. But what does it mean? Why should you care? It means that you train others how...

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Do You “Fake It” to Succeed? (Video)

The higher you go in any organization, the more the leadership culture tends to solidify around you. This increases – or decreases – the chances that you’ll fit in. Too many fast trackers see this as a reason to conform to the culture around them and thus too many end up feeling like they’re...

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INSIGHT: How to Disagree

Do you believe that the most effective way to disagree is to agree first? Student (from a position flat on his back): “I don’t understand. I hit you hard and you took the punch! How did I end up down here?” Sensei (standing over him): “I took your energy and used it to put you where you wanted to...

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When You’re Stuck

About a year ago, I decided that goals were driving me crazy and – poof! – I got rid of them. Ok, not entirely, but I did create a new metric of how to judge my own success that didn’t involve crippling comparisons to other people. And, man, has it been liberating. I’m not kidding. When I made a...

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10 Reasons to be an Empowered Manager

By: Mary Schaefer Why it’s worth it to take your management skills to the next level, as a manager of people I’ve been conducting training on manager/employee communication for years. In one class last year I heard the same phrase over and over and it really struck me. “What I don’t want to happen...

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INSIGHT: Filter Feedback

Most of us squander the best part of the feedback we receive. Feedback is love, but it doesn’t always feel that way. Feedback comes to us through the filter of the one giving it. Most of the time, when we feel bad, sad or mad after a feedback session, it’s not because the person giving it applied...

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Executive Coaching Guru Joel Garfinkle [Audio Interview]

As a part of our interview series with InPower people I am loving talking to so many executive coaching experts. Coaches are often, by definition, pulling from their InPower source. They have to in order to help their clients, and the best ones are helping you access your internal power source...

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Will You Choose To Lead From Who You Are?

Imagine:  What it would be like to grow up in a family that is always behind on their bills. To live in a home that could be featured on the television program HOARDERS. To have your home burn to the ground and lose everything when you were in grade-school.  Then live in a home without an indoor...

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Your Brain Is Designed To Eff You

On March 11, 2011, I was in New York City sitting in Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle workshop for women entrepreneurs. Between airfare, registration, and my hotel, I had spent a lot of money to be there so I was trying to pay attention, but my mind was somewhere else. It was firmly planted in a...

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INSIGHT: Self-Talk Carrots

Motivational theory holds that people – children and direct reports alike – pay attention to what you pay attention to. Your attention reinforces their behavior. Guess what? Your brain works the same way. Want to be more effective? Give yourself more positive strokes when you are! It’s just the...

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