Research tells us that women are good for business, but sometimes we forget why this is. John reminds us in terms we can all relate to! - InPower Editors Earlier this month, I had the privilege of facilitating a webcast for the Association of Talent Development (ATD), which is the world’s largest...
How To Not Be “That” Manager
What's the difference between a Manager and a Leader? We are often told it has something to do with what you do (or don't) that makes you a leader. Mary Schaefer suggests it has more to do with how you treat your employees. Great read for leaders at all levels! - InPower Editors As an employee,...
Decoding Leadership Presence: 3 Steps to Confidence
Does someone with leadership presence always make a good leader? Can someone without presence lead effectively? Many career gurus will say leadership presence is essential to becoming a good, and ladder-climbing, leader. In my experience, however, many good leaders get ahead with only a mild...
3 Tough Leadership Conversations Every Leader Must Face
Everyone struggles with difficult conversations - just a little. Learning to have a tough conversation isn't just a leadership skill, it's a life skill. Learn it early and often. Do it with compassion and you help yourself, your business and the people you're having the tough conversation with...
11 Things Your Team Can Teach You About Leadership
It's typical to think that your boss will teach you to be a better leader, but sometimes the most important lessons come from below or along-side. These young entrepreneurs share amazing leadership advice about what they've learned from their employees. - InPower Editors You hired your employees...
Book review: Leading Women – 20 Influential Women Share Their Secrets to Leadership, Business and Life by Nancy D. O’Reilly
Women are leading all over the world in all kinds of ways. No matter how you lead, call on your inner power to succeed. - InPower Editors Women leaders are everywhere. You don’t need to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation, have earned millions of dollars, or be in Washington DC to be a leader....
Collaboration is the Key
"Collaboration" is a buzzword for leaders, and women leaders are supposed to be naturally good at it. Even if you're a great collaborative leader, you'll find some good ideas in this post for the "why's and how's" of good collaborative leadership. - InPower Editors For most of us, our first job...
Leadership Styles Around The World
We usually publish women-in-business research on Mondays, but this infographic on management styles in different countries is so interesting we're going with it! If you've ever worked overseas it won't come as a suprise to you that even though similar in style, German managers are more...
Instead of Giving Advice, Try Personal Leadership
Good leaders who've mastered personal leadership know that giving advice is overrated. It's like giving a hungry person a fish instead of a fishing pole. Mary gives us some good advice on how not to give advice. Heed it well. - InPower Editors “[As a coach] my job is to be trustworthy while...
Does the Culture of Your Organization Support the Mission Statement?
Leaders sometimes scratch their heads and wonder why employees veer away from actions that support the organization's mission. Stop scratching and start decoding this behavior with Christy's insights into the power of organizational culture. - InPower Editors I think you would agree that...