Personal Mastery

Don’t Get Caught In the Results Trap!

If you produce excellent results but don’t feel like you’re moving up the leadership ladder (or around the jungle gym) fast enough, take a look to see if you’re excellent work is holding you back. Here’s what it feels like to be stuck in the results trap: You do good work, produce good results and...

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Advice to Millennials in the Workforce: Stay Motivated

Do you remember how tough it was to enter the workforce? Yeah, tough! We love this advice co-created by our newest blogger, Sheila Berry, Founder at Living Vicky and her social media intern, Danielle. It's directed at the newest stars in our employee pool, millennials in the workforce, and it's...

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Why Playing Small Doesn’t Serve You Or Your Company

This guest post from Laurie Erdman reminds us that even though we are often encouraged to play small and create a work environment where I staffs can play small too, this helps nobody. It takes courage to play big. Where can you play bigger than you do today? ~Dana Much is written about why fast...

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Don’t Cope With Stress, Neutralize It

As I was taking a walk down memory lane the other day and remembering my teen years, I realized that many of us are acting like teenagers. Remember how we thought we were invincible back then? We did stupid things like drive too fast, drink too much and play with fire. We’re lucky to be alive with...

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Podcast: Get Out Of Your Own Way

by: Tanvi Gautam Dr. Marcia Reynolds has a passion for discovering and sharing how the brain works, especially the brain of smart, strong women. She is also a world-renowned executive coach and presents leadership programs globally. In addition to Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find...

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Do You “Fake It” to Succeed? (Video)

The higher you go in any organization, the more the leadership culture tends to solidify around you. This increases – or decreases – the chances that you’ll fit in. Too many fast trackers see this as a reason to conform to the culture around them and thus too many end up feeling like they’re...

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Your Brain Is Designed To Eff You

On March 11, 2011, I was in New York City sitting in Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle workshop for women entrepreneurs. Between airfare, registration, and my hotel, I had spent a lot of money to be there so I was trying to pay attention, but my mind was somewhere else. It was firmly planted in a...

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Staying Oriented to the Future In The Present Moment

We humans are funny. We find peace and reduced stress when we learn to live in the present moment and yet we are - by definition - always in motion towards a future of our own design. On the one hand we need to focus on getting our work done so we can leave at a reasonable time and go home to take...

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Leadership Skills Outside Your Comfort Zone

So you’ve just gotten that great opportunity you’ve wanted for so long. You got the promotion! Woo hoo! You settle into your new office, put the higher pay in your monthly budget, meet your colleagues, receive the key to the bathroom and put that first board meeting on your calendar. Then the...

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