People Skills

Managing People – Do We Really Do That?

My first management experience was a disaster. I had a poor manager myself and was told to “be in charge” of a group of my peers, who did not report to me and had no particular reason to do what I told them to do. It turned into a backstabbing circus within hours. What I learned from that...

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How Do You Know It’s Time To Ask For Help?

How do you know when you're ready to ask for help and receive it with arms wide open. How do you know when it's time to grow into a new version of you? We think everyone experiences these growth times a bit differently and we enjoy how Mitch shares her current growth stage with us all. Welcome...

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Co-opting the Power of the Toxic Boss

I just read a great article by Richard Boyatzis detailing the brain science behind “emotional contagion.” I find this particularly interesting in the context of corporate culture, having observed some pretty toxic bosses “infect” their staffs and encourage cultures where competition, backstabbing, emotional abuse and just plain incompetence were so rampant that you could feel the powerlessness and despair when you walked in the door.

The good news is that the ability to emotionally infect your staff and teams can be used for good by leaders who understand their responsibility to foster a positive environment and culture where others are in their power and able to perform at their best. To be a good leader, then, you need to…

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The Role of Fear In Success [AUDIO]

I want you to meet an InPower woman. Dallice Joyner has risen above the most abject circumstances of poverty and prejudice to be an effective and motivating leader of an organization doing much needed work in our society. Dallice is the Executive Director of the Northern Virginia AHEC, an...

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The Art of Business Networking

“Networking” is a word I often see accompanied by a slump of the shoulders, a groan or a roll of the eyes – in both women and men. We know it’s critical to our business and career success, but so often when we think “networking” we think stiff smiles, exposing ourselves to rejection from strangers...

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The Importance of Care, in Business

Note from the Editor: The staff of InPower women is taking some time off this week, as we hope you are, so we are reposting this popular post you may have missed. Happy Holidays! I remember a time I spoke at a CIO conference, during the dot com bubble when hubris was in full swing. I was talking...

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Bully Boss Chat With Dana Theus (Video)

Last week I had the opportunity to join a couple of interesting folks in a HuffPostLive Google+ Hangout chat about bully bosses. You can watch the video interview below. I was surprised to have the interviewer push back on me when I took Steve Jobs’ to task for being a bully boss. Needless to say,...

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Pitching Your Big Ideas

To advance in your career, you have to have good ideas, but if you can’t get people to pay attention to them, it doesn’t really matter. Research shows that when women speak up and champion themselves and their good ideas, they get ahead. If it’s so simple, why don’t we do it more often? In my...

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3 Reasons Good Ideas Aren’t Good Enough

There’s a particular skill that middle managers who will become more than middle managers learn, and it’s not something that is taught in business school. It’s one of the reasons that we all benefit from good mentors, who really understand “how things work.” This particular skill is the ability to...

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