More and more women are waking up to the fact that life in corporate America often isn't a good fit with the life they want to lead. This is why women are starting small businesses at such a fast rate. In this post (the first in a series), Dana looks more deeply at the growing gaps between...
Work-Life Blend
Women in Leadership: Lessons From Motherhood (Part II)
Earlier this year when my youngest son graduated high school I celebrated with a blog post about motherhood and what I’ve learned about leadership by being a parent. Readers had a lively discussion on the post (when I posted it on Smartblog on Leadership) and several asked me to address some other...
A Note to New Career Moms
The other day I found myself at the doctor’s office for the second time in two weeks. I wasn’t sick. My kids were. First, one caught a virus and juuusssst as he was starting to feel better – poof! – he gave the same freakin’ germs to his brother. “If I know what’s wrong, can’t I just give one kid...
[Infographic] Work After Baby
Returning to work after baby. 62% of American women are employed after giving birth.
When FMLA Doesn’t Work
Two months ago, I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful little girl named Madelyn. When she was a week old, I was back to work. Because, as a freelancer, I didn't get maternity leave. Trying to meet a deadline while learning to be a new mom was exhausting. I was breastfeeding for the first...
Remember: You Are Not Your Job
I know a woman who lost her job. She knew it was coming. After all, she was privy to the numbers. Moreover, she’d watched as colleagues went into the boss’ office one-by-one, only to emerge and pack up their things. Now it was her turn. In the days leading up to her meeting – in a cruel twist,...
6 Lessons Learned on the Work Life Jungle Gym
Sheryl Sandberg contributed many valuable insights to professional women in her book, Lean In. The one that hit me most squarely was her analogy of a career as a jungle gym instead of a ladder. Truer words have never been written, and I think this is a major contribution to the discussion of...
Does Your Choice Of Husband Determine Your Career Success? [Video]
In Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In, she makes a provocative point, that one of the most critical decisions a woman makes that determines her career success is her choice of partner. When I first read this my instinct was to disagree. This isn't an age of political marriage; shouldn't we be...
Fatherhood, Manhood, and Having It All
The most under-discussed aspect of Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In is her recommendation to pay attention to your choice of partner when planning your career success. We don't talk about it much, but I agree with her that it's the dynamic between working women and their support network - especially...
How Being A Working Mother Made Me A Better Leader (Part I)
My second son just graduated High School and heads off to VA Tech next Fall. He’s the last one out of the nest and it’s got me thinking about the first half of my parenting life – the half where they are children. I’m grateful for so many things about being a parent, not the least of which is...