Working Moms

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Efficacy

Mastering Self-Efficacy Helps Smooth Out the Bumps in Life “Self-efficacy: The belief that one has mastery over the events of one’s life and can meet challenges as they come up” Self-efficacy is the most important part of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that a Working Mom needs to master. Let me give...

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Leadership Practices for Work Life Sanity

Want to take the 24 out of 24/7? I was at lunch the other day with a friend who is a senior leader at her company.  She was talking about how many junior women seriously consider opting out of high powered careers as they think about having families. This, despite all the work her company, a...

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Working Women: Create Something New Instead of Demanding Change

The time for change feels ripe. Transformation seems to be in the air. Could this be the time for women to demand more equality in the workplace? I do feel women should demand parity in pay, recognition, and access to resources and opportunities. It's time they are more fully represented at senior...

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