CBS Radio Interview

by | May 15, 2013 | Career Development, Employee Engagement, InPower Women Blog

by: Tanvi Gautam

I had the honour of being interviewed on CBS radio (US) by Career Coach Caroline. I loved her book “This is not the career I ordered” which is a fantastic set of stories (you know I love storytelling!) on women who transitioned between careers (from Morgan Stanley to a cup cake empire anyone?).

About the interview, here is what she said on twitter:

“Tanvi Gautam rocked CBS Radio Career Coach Caroline podcast @tanvi_gautam mentors are not enough…”

And we did have a rocking time in our conversation. Here are some of the things we talked about:
1. Mentoring, sponsorship and developmental networks
2. Employee engagement and need for flexible work
3. How can one aim to create an international career
4. How to navigate the workplace when you are bi-cultural
5. Women and leadership
6. Importance of social media for careers

Have a listen and let me know your thoughts. And make sure you go follow her on twitter or Facebook for some great career related advice.

CBS Interview

Originally posted on: wowfactor

Take charge of your career development to get the job that supports your work and your life. Check out the tools and resources in the InPower Coaching Career Center.

Dr. Tanvi Gautam, the managing Partner of Global People Tree aims to inspire a new generation of women leaders through her writing and podcasts. She is also an academic, a storyteller and a mother – all on a single day ! Dr. Tanvi is on the board of the Asian Region Training and development organization, and was recognized as women HR leaders to follow by the Business Manager magazine. She also a sought after speaker at national and international conferences. She blogs at and loves to share ideas on twitter @tanvi_gautam When it comes to women and leadership she asks: If not now, then when. If not you, then who?

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