Feminism is Trending Down?

by | Jan 23, 2014 | Commentary

What does it mean when people are less interested in the word “feminism” than they used to be? Dana sees it as a good sign that the equality ideals of feminism are becoming broadly accepted. What do you think? – InPower Editors

According to Google, people are searching less on the term “feminism” and more on the term “women” in the 2005-2013 time period.

Keep up the good work, ladies and gentlemen!

What could this mean? It certainly doesn’t mean feminism is dead. The last few years have been a boom for career women as far as media attention is concerned.

I honestly don’t know what the Google data means in detail, but I do believe from talking to professional and career women – at all levels in many industries – that the ideals of feminism are becoming so integrated into our lives that a label for them is less important than simply living them.

In addition, unlike the Mad Men culture that birthed the need for feminism, today there are more men supporting women in all kinds of ways. And even though the statistics for women in leadership still budge at a depressingly slow rate, our positive impact on business is indisputable.

So I look at this data and see evidence that we’re talking about getting ahead less and doing it more. We’re worrying less about being outsiders and learning how to be insiders. We’re complaining less and succeeding more.

And I think those are good trends. Keep up the good work, ladies and gentlemen!

FEMINISM (goes down):

WOMEN (goes up):

Dana Theus

Dana Theus

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