Key Takeaways:
Choose your battles wisely: Sometimes staying silent is stronger than reacting, especially when the situation is petty. Not every conflict deserves your energy, so reserve it for the things that truly matter.
Silence can shift the energy: When confronted by a jerk, resist the urge to match their negativity. Instead, remove energy from the fight by shifting your attention elsewhere. Often, when their ego isn’t engaged, they’ll let go of their attitude.
Mind your non-verbal cues: Even if you stay quiet, your body language can still feed the conflict. Avoid rolling your eyes or muttering under your breath—control your reactions and preserve your peace of mind.
Anchor your mind with a mantra: When you feel the urge to react, pick a word like “calm” or “compassion” to focus on. Repeating this word can help redirect your thoughts and maintain your emotional balance.
Think long-term: Ask yourself how much this moment will matter tomorrow or next week. Prioritize your health and peace of mind over getting the last word, and remember: your reaction is your power. Don’t give it away unnecessarily.
On my recent flight from Germany to the US, the man in front of me was so large that when he lay back in his chair, his head was practically in my lap. Not only could I barely open my computer to work, I had to do some maneuvering to eat my meal.
The flight attendant agreed that something was wrong with the chair and brought this to his attention. He said, “Too bad for her.”
Unfortunately, the more I find myself feeling negative and angry, the more irritated I get with every jerk I encounter. Then I don’t extend warm and welcoming energy to the other people around me either.
The world is quickly filling with annoying and annoyed people. Would you like to help put a stop to this vicious cycle?
Seven tips for preserving your peace of mind when you encounter insensitive and annoying people
- Accept that being quiet does not mean being weak. You don’t always need to stand up for yourself especially if there is nothing you can do about a petty situation. Pick your battles wisely. Fighting the good fight needs more of your energy than the minor conflicts.
- Consider how silencing your reaction might shift the mind of the difficult person. Often people who react negatively regret their behavior when they calm down. But if you counter with negative energy, they are more likely stick to their story and justify their jerkiness. If instead you surprise them by shifting your attention elsewhere, you remove energy from the fight. They might give in once their ego is no longer involved.
- Manage your non-verbal behavior. If you are going to stay out of the fight, don’t roll your eyes, mutter under your breath or make an ugly face as you turn away. You are still sparking the fire with your gestures.
- The best thing to do is take a big breath, let it out slowly and focus on breathing comfortably. You are strong when you control your reactions. The disrespect the person is showing has nothing to do with you personally.
- Choose one word to anchor your mind until the need to react passes. Choose “compassion” or “tolerance” for the person who obviously is not happy. Choose “calm” for your own peace of mind. Say it over and over like a mantra until you feel the word flow through your body.
- Think more broadly. What will this matter tonight, tomorrow or into the future? What is more important to you, getting the last word in or living a long, healthy and somewhat peaceful life? Your health has more value than one-upping a jerk. Consciously and deliberately choose your reaction. This is your power. Don’t give it away.
- Regularly rest and rejuvenate. The more emotionally balanced you are, the less the jerks will trigger you.
There will be times you need to stand up for yourself. If you feel your reputation as a strong, professional woman is at stake, or your soul needs you to speak your truth, please do so. And if reacting to a rude person is a waste of time, let it go. Not only do you increase your professionalism, you get better and better at balancing your energies.
Break Free from Emotional Triggers
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