Infographic: Do Men Really Earn More Than Women?

by | Apr 5, 2013 | Gender Research, InPower Women Blog

By: Payscale

Yes, over the course of their lifetime, on average, men earn more than women. But looking at the devil in the details of certain industries when similarly qualified, we see a different story. What does this mean for you? It means you often can bring in the same bacon, so make sure you’re asking to equal pay and if you’re better qualified – more!


Do Men Really Earn More Than Women?


Original posting:

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Organizations with women in their executive suites regularly out-perform others. Yet rising female executives (and their mentors) are frustrated at how hard it is to break through the glass ceiling. In this extensive guide, Executive Coach Dana Theus shares her tried and true strategies to help women excel into higher levels of leadership and achieve their executive potential.

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